Stephen King

The horror author had to make some edits to his latest work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The horror author said he believes "judgments of creative excellence should be blind" but that the Hollywood game is still "rigged in favor of the white folks.”
The comment by the famed author, who votes in three Oscars categories, spurred backlash, including a tweet from Ava DuVernay.
The horror novelist also tweeted about how to hit a raw nerve with Donald Trump’s base.
But the horror author has divided opinion with his advice.
The horror icon said there's no mystery about what the president has done.
The World War II movie shot to the top of the box office with $17.5 million over a particularly sluggish weekend.
Director Mike Flanagan knew it'd be the most controversial moment of the film.
The bestselling horror author thinks this is how historians will look back on the era.