Stephen King

"Are you surprised that rich parents are bribing their rich kiddies into top schools? Shocked, even? Don't be."
Writer Don Winslow wants to go face-to-face with Trump to show the president's "narrative" about the border is a "lie."
The horror author mocked the president with a line from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War."
Best-selling author says Roger Stone's arrest should make one thing clear to the president's supporters.
"Republicans kowtow to him, because he might throw a tantrum and send them away into the cornfield if they don't."
The horror writer offers ways the president can "do something good for once."
The horror author mocks the president for abandoning a core 2016 promise.
The author references an infamous 1992 Bush debate moment that seems like nothing by today's standards.
The horror novelist concluded his blistering post: "Impeach."