11 Backhanded Sarah Palin Compliments (PHOTOS)

"She IS Smart!" And 10 Other Backhanded Compliments About Sarah Palin

When a devastating article about Fox News president Roger Ailes was published this week, the quote that got the most attention was from an unnamed Republican claiming that the media mogul thinks that former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is an "idiot." Fox wasted no time in defending that Ailes does not, in fact, think she is an idiot, but actually finds her "smart."

For someone whose most common descriptor among her defenders seems to be "not an idiot" as opposed to "possesses capable leadership skills," Palin may be an odd pick for many as a serious contender for the presidency. In the event that she does set her targets on the White House, we're sure those singing, well, humming, her praises will only get more creative in their attempts to convince us that she's not not a viable candidate.

Until then, here are 11 quotes from her opponents and fans alike offering faint praise to the controversial GOP star. Which ones actually seem like compliments and which seem more like they should have begun with the phrase, "Now, I don't mean to be ugly, but..."

Fox Exec Bill Shine

11 Backhanded Sarah Palin Compliments

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