4 Things To Know About Bullying

4 Things To Know About Bullying
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Bullying is still one of the most destructive things happening in our world today. Children as young as 8 years old are dying from suicide because they do not know how to handle being bullied. Like crumpling up a paper, then trying to smooth it out, the pain of being bullied will never completely go away, but Pastor Elijah Hollis had some terrific advice that can help everyone should know about bullying.

Elijah Hollis’ take on things to know about bullying.

Elijah Hollis’ take on things to know about bullying.

  1. It’s not me, it’s you. One thing to keep in mind is that bullying almost never has anything to do with you but actually has everything to do with the pain that the person bullying is feeling on the inside. Remember that hurt people hurt people, so when someone is hurting someone, it usually means that that person has been hurt by someone or something in their life and they feel like the solution is taking it out on someone else. We know this doesn’t help take away the pain, but understanding this truth can help us realize that its almost never about us but actually the person doing to bullying.
  2. Boldness speaks the loudest. Now you have to know that boldness doesn’t mean that you have no fear, but it does mean that you do the hard thing in the middle of having fear. Sometimes a simple statement like “Stop, NOW!” can make the difference. Other times letting the bully know that you are not afraid of getting an adult involved can be helpful as well. Remember that bullying usually keeps up when it is not addressed, and ignoring bullying is the worst thing you could do. Violence is never the answer but standing up IS! So stand up and be heard!
  3. Teamwork makes the dream work. Getting a team around you that knows whats going on can be one of the most powerful ways to stop bullying! We were meant to do life together so get a few trusted friends and adults who can help you stand up against bullying! Getting adults involved is a quick way to bring resolution to the situation. Having a game plan for when the bullying takes place can help you take care of the situation quickly. Also staying with your crew can help protect against bullying all together.
  4. Forgiveness stops YOU from becoming a bully. Don’t let what the bully did to you become a hurt that makes you into the person you dislike. If we don’t learn how to forgive one another when we get hurt, we ourselves will be in the same emotional prison that our bully is in. Believe it or not, that hurt will grow into bitterness and that bitterness into action. So take care of your heart as top priority and learn how to forgive those that hurt you!.

Bullying is something that is real and happens every day, and even though you can’t stop it from happening, you can learn how to deal with it so that it doesn’t affect you. You are only affected by the things you allow to affect you.

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