4 Ways To Find Excitement in Your Life

4 Ways To Find Excitement in Your Life
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The hustle and routine of daily life gets us from one stop to another, but how engaged are we in those activities? Are you looking for more excitement in your life? Do you want to create more excitement? Try these tips to see if you can become more enthusiastic about where you’ll be headed next.

1. Using Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is a key ingredient that we bring to our lives. We may experience success and excitement less without regularly applying it. Whether it is training for a half-marathon, polishing your resume, searching for that next opportunity or just maintaining relationships, everything from our jobs to our social lives requires self-discipline. The more we exercise discipline, the more we create opportunity. And more opportunity can be exciting. For example, going through a job hunt can take time and be exhausting, but the excitement of receiving an offer—especially in a field we are passionate about—makes it worth the effort.

Try creating more self-discipline in your life by investing in goals for yourself, such as financial, physical, or career goals. You can develop a road map for where you want to be headed, including the steps you need to take. Self-discipline will follow more easily. You’ll have activities that keep you busy and meanwhile you can stay excited about actually reaching your goals.

2. Our Relationships

Your relationships are helpful in taking you to the next level of joy and excitement. Maybe you got a new job and you want to share the good news with others, which can create excitement. Or perhaps it’s something else. Maybe you are about to add a new addition to your family and want to share your delight. Whatever it may be, wouldn’t it be special to share your joy with others? The happiness and exhilaration we feel when our loved ones and friends reach milestones makes those milestones more special and worthwhile. Relationships can heighten our level of excitement if we nurture them and subsequently share our joys.

Try directing your relationships toward this unique kind of excitement if you can. If you don’t have a milestone to share, you can enjoy a shared adventure with a friend, like volunteering at a local soup kitchen or walking a 5K. You will build a lifetime of wonderful memories this way.

3. Being Grateful

Being grateful can be another sweet ingredient for creating excitement. Try to remind yourself of what to be grateful for, regularly, at a convenient time, and wait for the helpful benefits to come. For example, before going to sleep you could remind yourself to be grateful for available love, comfort, support, food and water if you are so lucky. There is a wealth of psychological research that ties gratitude to increased happiness as well as other positive emotions including excitement. Practicing gratitude can work that muscle in your brain to receive such positive emotions more often. It may sound tedious or demanding to practice gratitude regularly, but it is well worth the effort.

If you don’t feel as happy or excited about where you are at, reflection can motivate you to pursue what will make you happier. Your achievements that follow can lead to greater appreciation and hopefully excitement.

4. Thinking Ahead

This tip may sound somewhat too general or vague, but thinking ahead or regularly planning out the next steps in your day, week or month can help build excitement in your life. For example, if you plan on meeting your deadlines for the day in the office and enjoying your cup of green tea at the end of the day, think about how much excitement you’ll feel in that moment when you sit down with your cup of green tea. In fact, the anticipation of a reward or relaxation moment can be quite strong. For instance, I’ve heard people are most happy while planning their vacations than when they are actually on them! The psychology behind reward anticipation or as I call it, plan-it-yourself excitement, is out there and it is real! Try to think ahead and build in those rewarding moments to find out how much more excitement you can bring to your life.

Figuring out how to revel in the excitement of all that life has to offer is not easily done by everyone. You can build in the ways to find excitement in your life, which you deserve, by trying these tips! Keep working by building in steps like anticipation of rewards and gratitude, which will have you thrilled in no time!

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