5 Ways to Have a Happy Mother's Day

Instead of wishing the day after Mother's Day couldn't come fast enough, why not embrace it and have fun? Here are five things you can do to have a happy Mother's Day.
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Mother and daughter
Mother and daughter

As Mother's Day approaches, it's bound to stir up all kinds of emotions from joy to sorrow and everything in between. Mother-daughter relationships can be complementary or complicated, vibrant or non-existent, friendly or oppressive. And, what a tangled web you can weave when you add stepmothers, mother-in-laws, deceased mothers, biological mothers and adopted mothers to the mix! So, instead of wishing the day after Mother's Day couldn't come fast enough, why not embrace it and have fun? Here are five things you can do to have a happy Mother's Day.

1. Be vocal

If you're a mother, don't wait for family members to figure out what to do or give you for Mother's Day. Being a mother is the hardest job in the world. You deserve to name your own bonus! Your loved ones might even be relieved to have the burden of what to do taken off their shoulders. Be honest with your requests, whether it's a reservation for brunch or a day to yourself. Whatever it is, get what you truly want by asking for it.

2. Cut your mother some slack

Chances are you and your mother have some relationship issues. Maybe she's a bit judgmental, overbearing or overprotective. Maybe she doesn't understand you. Instead of reacting in the usual manner when she pushes all your buttons on Mother's day, why not give her a break this time? Turn the other cheek when she throws a stinging comment, laugh off any criticism and be a "yes" girl for the day. She may even back down once she sees your feathers aren't ruffled!

3. Give yourself a break

Whether or not you're a mother, do something special for yourself on Mother's Day. Take a break from your normal routine -- indulge in something you wouldn't normally do. Don't worry about cleaning or making dinner. Skip your workout. Eat a delicious dessert. Don't check your emails. Do whatever makes you happy. If you are a mother and you've followed the advice in number one (being vocal), you can enlist the help of your loved ones to insure you take a break.

4. Gather with girlfriends

Girlfriends form a unique bond that is different from family. They share their secrets and their dreams. They support and love each other through thick and thin. Have a girl's day or night out, particularly if your family is not close or around for Mother's Day. Plan a day at the spa or a movie marathon. See a play followed by a sumptuous dinner out. No pretences necessary and no family issues to deal with. Just pure fun with your girlfriends!

5. Be Grateful

Whether or not you know your mother, like your mother, care about her or not, you must acknowledge one thing -- she gave you life. And for that, you must be thankful. Even if your life hasn't turned out the way you wanted, you came here for a reason and your mother made that possible, whether through birth or adoption. If you're feeling sad because your mother is no longer living, being grateful for having her in your life when you did will help you remember all the good things about her. By giving thanks, you suspend all negative or unpleasant feelings, even if just for a day.

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