Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Goals and What You Can Do About It

Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Goals and What You Can Do About It
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Chad Chesmark

Chad Chesmark


Are you having trouble achieving your biggest goals? The thing that’s holding you back is most likely one-half of yourself. You can want, wish, and hope to reach any goal, but if your conscious and subconscious minds are not in congruence toward achieving that goal, you’re in for a long, uphill battle. But, get them working together and you will become unstoppable.

You’ve likely heard the popular claim that we only use 10% of our brains. Science actually reveals that we use 100% of our brains, but that use is divided between our conscious and subconscious minds. The conscious mind, or the mind that we use to think, move, be aware, and communicate, is the part that only uses about 10% of our brain. That means that our subconscious, or unconscious mind uses the other 90%. In other words, our subconscious minds are far more powerful when it comes to goal achievement than our conscious minds alone.

If your goals are backed by only 10% of your brain, and the other 90% wants nothing to do with those goals, then you’re basically dead in the water. It can be extremely difficult for your conscious mind to get your subconscious mind onboard with a new idea. Our subconscious minds generally do not like change. This can be seen in our habits. Our habits, both good and bad, reside in our subconscious minds. Once a habit, which can form over a period of time, is in place, the subconscious mind will do everything that it can to maintain that habit.

In order to achieve big goals, new habits and beliefs must me placed into our subconscious minds, but how? There are several things that you can do to accelerate this process. They include writing the goal down on paper, setting a deadline, using affirmations, and using self-hypnosis.

Write it down:

Basically, every book that’s ever been written about goal setting will ask you to write down your goal. This single step, that many choose to skip, is perhaps the most important in programming your subconscious mind to accept that goal. Writing it down makes it real. It’s no longer just a conscious thought or a dream but is something that you intend on actually pursuing. Write it down and put it somewhere that you will see it daily. Skipping this step will certainly slow your progress, so just do it.

Setting a deadline:

By setting a deadline for the achievement of your goal, you will automatically activate your subconscious mind. Deadlines will force you to consistently think of ways to achieve your goal. The more time you spend thinking about your goal on a conscious level, the more it will eventually be absorbed by your subconscious mind.

Using affirmations:

The use of affirmations is a powerful way to consistently force your conscious mind to focus on the achievement of your goal. The more focused you become on targeted thoughts, the easier it will become for these ideas to be accepted, and acted upon, by your subconscious mind. In order to use affirmations successfully, be certain to focus on having already achieved your goal. Say phrases like “I have,” and avoid phrases like “I want to have.” Focussing on “Wanting to have” will program your subconscious mind into believing that you don’t have it yet, and it will be happy to stay in that position. Convince your subconscious mind that you already have something, and it will work to make it so.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful, and underused, ways to quickly reprogram our subconscious minds for success. Without hypnosis, the barrier or the critical factor, that keeps our subconscious mind from accepting new habits, or dismissing old ones, is difficult to penetrate. It can be accomplished with months of affirmations or with minutes of hypnosis. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have the ability to bypass the critical factor and allow the subconscious mind to accept suggestions without question. This process can happen immediately for some and may require several sessions for others.

I personally use a combination of hypnosis, self-hypnosis, and affirmations in order to speed up my goal achieving process as much as possible. If you would like to give self-hypnosis a try, I have a free ebook available that will help you create your personal self-hypnosis sessions that can be targeted toward your exact goals. The book can be found at www.LeadershipMindPower.com/products

About The Author:

Chad Chesmark is an author, hypnotist, mentalist, and leadership speaker. His speaking programs combine motivation with entertaining mind-reading in a fully interactive presentation that incorporates the entire audience. Chad can be reached at www.LeadershipMindPower.com

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