A Middle School Teacher Simplifying Technology for Students

A Middle School Teacher Simplifying Technology for Students
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Shawn Patrick Higgins is a Computer Science and Technology Teacher at Parkrose Middle School in Portland, Oregon, who combines his enthusiasm for computer science with the creative arts to help his students learn and thrive. Even though computer science has established itself fairly well at the high-school level, middle school is still a bit of a wild west situation. Shawn is focused on getting middle school kids passionate about computer science through game making and coding.

Shawn specifically concentrates on using audio with his teaching. Many of his students are Title 1, and may not have the computer skills that other kids have when coming into Shawn’s program. Shawn creates audio projects using collaborative Soundtrap software and uses tracks extracted from already established video projects. By removing the visual layer, Shawn uncomplicates the task, helping younger kids with little or no experience understand and jump into production with both feet.

By using cloud-based services, Shawn’s kids can access their projects from anywhere, including home, which boosts their enthusiasm level. Shawn’s energy is infectious, as demonstrated in the video and it comes through clearly in his interactions with his students.

About Shawn Patrick Higgins:

Shawn Patrick Higgins has more than years experience teaching youth in video and creative technology, and more than 5 years experience teaching middle school computer science and managing educational technology. He specializes in project-based, collaborative learning in new media and fostering STEAM learning environments as a creative alternative pathway to student success.

Shawn is currently the Coordinator of Digital Literacy at Self Enhancement Inc, one of the oldest education and equity non-profits in Oregon. Self Enhancement is a charter school, after-school program and wrap-around family services organization focused on supporting high-needs youth of color in the Portland area.

Follow Sean Higgins on Twitter.

Further Reading:

Additional Reading:

The state of edtech in schools

Learning how to engage students in music education

Thought leaders mentoring the next generation of superintendents

About Rod Berger, PsyD.

Dr. Rod Berger is President and CEO of MindRocket Media Group. Berger is a global education media personality and strategic influencer featured in The Huffington Post, Scholastic, AmericanEdTV, edCircuit, EdTechReview India and Forbes

Audiences have enjoyed education interviews with the likes of Sir Ken Robinson, Arne Duncan, Randi Weingarten, Sal Khan along with leading edtech investors, award-winning educators, and state and federal education leaders. Berger’s latest project boasts a collaboration with AmericanEdTV and CBS’s Jack Ford.

Follow Dr. Rod Berger on Twitter

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