Russian College Student Wants to Make You Less Boring

Russian College Student Wants to Make You Less Boring
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In many ways, Ilya Slolvev is a typical college student. He and his friends spend time in lectures – many fascinating, and some utterly boring. It was the boring lectures that were the inspiration for Boremeter, an app that monitors an audience’s involvement. Boremeter is based on neural networks and computer vision algorithms, and allows users to analyze interest (or lack thereof) from the audience at lectures and presentations.

As a tool for lecturers and presenters, Boremeter can be invaluable. As Ilya says, “Sometimes very clever people talk about very interesting things in very boring ways.” Boremeter can help change that. It’s an idea that is gaining steam. Ilya and Boremeter made the world finals of the 2017 Imagine Cup, an innovation and technology conference that showcases some of the world’s top university students. Boremeter is making the world more interesting – one boring presenter at a time.

About Ilya Soloviev:

Ilya Soloviev is a student of Applied Mathematics and Information Science at the Higher School of Economics in Russia.

Further Reading:

Additional Reading:

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About Rod Berger, PsyD.

Dr. Rod Berger is President and CEO of MindRocket Media Group. Berger is a global education media personality and strategic influencer featured in The Huffington Post, Scholastic, AmericanEdTV, edCircuit, EdTechReview India and Forbes.

Audiences have enjoyed education interviews with the likes of Sir Ken Robinson, Arne Duncan, Randi Weingarten, Sal Khan along with leading edtech investors, award-winning educators, and state and federal education leaders. Berger’s latest project boasts a collaboration with AmericanEdTV and CBS’s Jack Ford.

Follow Dr. Rod Berger on Twitter.

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