Your Sensitivity is your Superpower

Your Sensitivity is your Superpower
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You know you are empath. “Empath” has become a buzzword lately.

Definition of empath-a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual.

Sounds kinda cool right?

But more often than not it feels this:

“I keep getting overwhelmed and stressed out.”

“I feel alone, like no one else feels like this.”

“I get completely caught up in other people’s drama and that sucks the life out of me.”

“I know that something needs to change but I can’t figure it out.”

“I want to help everyone but I don’t know how.”

Maybe watching certain programs or reading certain books becomes unbearable.

Complete strangers tell you their story.

Maybe you know other people better than yourself.

And yes all of this is totally draining. These are the shadow sides of being an empath but only because we weren’t taught how to manage it.

The people who are draining us don’t know boundaries so it’s up to us to to learn and set ours. (Boundaries...what are those???).

You literally have superpowers.

The problem is our face-paced world bombards yours senses frequently. I am an empath too. As a result, I suffered chronic migraines for 30 years. We are literally taking in all this frenetic stimuli with no way of processing it so we get zapped with emotional overload. But we can learn how to manage ourselves.

One way to balance out is take time for yourself and quiet the mind. Personally I love meditation but whatever you really love to do do it. Do it with full focus & commitment of enjoying yourself. Surround yourself with people & things that you love and above all protect your energy.

It’s not selfish it’s self-care.

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