Meet Michael Montesi, a Prominent Memphis Attorney at Law

Meet Michael Montesi, a Prominent Memphis Attorney at Law
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As a Memphis native, Michael Montesi has a unique devotion to the people of his city as a personal injury lawyer. Growing up as the oldest of six siblings, Montesi learned quickly about the role of responsibility, which laid the foundation for him in ultimately deciding which area of law he would devote his life to. Although he started practicing as a business and banking defense lawyer right out of Memphis Law School, he felt this sect of the legal world was sorely lacking in the humanity department. Longing to make a difference at a more personal and intimate level with people, he decided to switch sides of the legal aisle to become an advocate for those “truly in need through no fault of their own.”

Mike F Montesi_Attorney

In Montesi’s childhood household he was taught that “if something was worth doing, it was worth doing right.” That belief has stuck with Montesi even as he practices law today. He often reminds himself of this truth as he works on his cases. As a personal injury lawyer, Montesi firmly acknowledges that he is his clients’ number one advocate and that he has an ethical and legal obligation to serve them in the best way he knows how. Many of his clients come to him with serious injuries or after one of their family members has passed away due to another’s negligence. These situations are often unfortunate and unforeseen, which can be high-stress for the victims; but Montesi says that the trust his clients have in him to represent them during these trying times often leads to life-long bonds with one another. While working so closely with physically and emotionally hurt individuals, it makes it difficult for Montesi to watch his clients receive less than what he believes they are owed due to certain damage caps and limitations. Still, Montesi adapts to these ever-changing restrictions and fights for the rights of his clients until the end.

As a practitioner of law since the late 1970’s, Montesi has also learned to adapt to the use of technology in his profession. He says that these changes have “without doubt been the most significant.” Montesi knows that with legal representation, investing in the future of the profession is not option for those who are in it for the long term. “Computer literacy and technological innovations are essential” for surviving in law these days according to Montesi. With technology rapidly advancing, more so than ever before, what lawyers do for their businesses now will affect their success for years to come.

Montesi genuinely enjoys what he does for a living, and it shows by the devotion he has to every one of his clients. He says, “I cannot imagine walking away from the privilege I have been granted to help those truly in need, and I’ll continue until one day I can’t.” For now, in his off-time he enjoys visiting his family, hiking, bicycling, golfing, traveling, and reading. Although Montesi was “encouraged” by his mother to move out and attend law school as a young adult, law has become his own passion throughout the course of his life, and we look forward to seeing the impact he will continue to make in the years to come.

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