Amanda Whittaker, Object-Sexual Woman, Dumps Drum Set For Statue Of Liberty (VIDEO)

LIBERTY OF LOVE: Woman Breaks Up With Drum Set, Romances National Icon

After a ending a long relationship with her drum set, Amanda Whittaker, 27, has ditched her cymbals and fallen in love with the Statue of Liberty.

"She is my long-distance lover and I am blown away by how stunning she is," Whittaker, who suffers from objectum sexuality, told the Sun.

The disorder causes people to form emotional bonds, like falling in love, with inanimate objects.

According to the paper, Whittaker fell for the monument when her friend posted a picture of "Libby," as she calls it, online.

She's made the journey from her home in the United Kingdom to New York four times to visit "Libby." But Whittaker opted for a look-alike shrine at her home because, she says, too many other people love the real statue, too.

In an interview on ITV's program "This Morning," she said that her feelings for the monument prevent her from falling in love with humans, and that she's not like other people, AOL Travel UK reports.

As Metro UK points out, the disorder has made headlines before. In 1979, Eija-Riittaa Berliner-Mauer, 54, married the Berlin Wall -- changing her surname to "Berlin Wall" in German.

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