Animal Feces Behind New Jersey Border Battle (VIDEO)

FECES FIGHT: Animal Droppings Spark Border Battle

The proverbial poop is hitting the fan in New Jersey where a quarrel between neighbors over animal feces is turning into a border battle.

On one side of the street are Carlos Castillo and his wife, Claire, who live in Union City. On the other is David Turner, 74, who lives across the street and, because of border lines, in Weehawken, New Jersey, according to WPIX.

The Castillos accuse Turner of feeding pigeons and feral cats at his Weehawken home and they turn around and do their business in Union City.

"He's been feeding cats, feeding birds, and the problem is, they come and do their ... defecate on our property," Carlos Castillo griped to WPIX-TV.

His wife, Claire, sees the admittedly crappy situation as a serious issue.

"It's unhealthy," she said. "There's no control over the pets that [Turner] has ... if they are his pets. He just feeds them and they populate and then they're all over the town."

All over Union City, that is, even though they were fed in Weehawken and that's been the problem. The Castillos have complained to their city officials but because Turner lives in another city, he's ignored the summonses -- and doesn't see the harm.

"I have my eccentricities," he told the TV station. "I love animals. I'm not the only one, well, maybe one of the main ones, with cats."

Although massive exposure to animal feces is a legitimate health issue, Turner doesn't see the harm.

"I'm not the way I used to be, but I have no problem."

WPIX-TV correspondent Howard Thompson tried to mediate the doodoo dispute, but Turner claimed to be too old to keep close track of his cats and Castillo seemed reluctant to accept anything that would allow any amount of animal poop to end up on his house and yard.

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