As Pride Begins, Some Wonder What It Has Become

As Pride Begins, Some Wonder What It Has Become
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Photo Kenneth Pearson

I've always struggled with Gay Pride events, from my very first in the 1980s to present. In the '80s, the age of AIDS, they had the spirit of the original protests and commemorations; because remember, Pride is not supposed to be a festival, a party, a music event. It's a commemoration of what happened on Christopher Street West, at the non-gay-but-gay-friendly establishment The Stonewall Inn when I was seven on June 28, 1969. It was then that drag queens, lesbians, hippies, anti-war protesters and others picked up the gauntlet thrown down during an all-too-routine raid of the Stonewall. Being gay, trans, anything was illegal. Judy Garland had died, her funeral was that day, it was hot, the war sentiments were raging, racism, civil rights -- it all came to a head that night and then the following days.

A year later people met in NYC and LA to commemorate; to rally; to protest; to speak and yes, to party with each other afterwards.

Now, most are "can we book Iggy Azelia?", "is Budweiser still a sponsor or did Absolut take over?" and let's keep all the politics to a minimum, shall we? It's $35 entry fees, $50 proposed in L.A.'s case (they later lowered it back amid protests), and is iHeart or Cumulus the media partner. It's forget the gay performers, they get shacks while Ke$ha gets limos and suites, it's beer gardens and dance tents and trinket sales. It's commercial. It's a profit center. And most are about as far removed from the original intent.

In my opinion.


So what am I to do this weekend as Long Beach kicks off the season of Pride with it's annual festival May 20, 21, and 22nd? Yes, it is the weekend, 15 years ago, I lost my partner Andrew Howard to malpractice. What to do. No, I won't be going to L.A. after the new CSW chair wanted to change the name since younger people may not be aware of the historic roots and want more of a party anyway, even if they did recant and try to redo -- too much, too little, too late. But Long Beach? My home city?

Oh, and in fairness the antiquated and nepotistic board of Long Beach Pride hates me, one of the most listened to and watched gay people to ever live in the city. Seventeen years ago when my partner and I were the first openly gay couple on drivetime radio, Long Beach Pride had us involved in the event. Bill Handel's morning show on our station, KFI Los Angeles, made a homophobic bit and played it in jest. They wouldn't apologize. KFI wouldn't apologize. Pride felt we should quit our jobs, or go on a tirade against our employers or whatever six hours on the phone was about. We didn't, it wasn't even our show. They banned us from the festival and parade forever. The night Andrew died we had gone on stage with Amber (a friend) on the main stage at her request. They tried to have us thrown out. For no other reason than being there. The two gay hosts on the #1 station in the country, and they didn't want us on their main stage because another host on the station had upset them. Whatever.

So, what to do? Ignore that my city is filled with people I love, people like me, or...

Well, luckily, I can now enjoy the entire weekend without ever dealing with the official pride organization, not worrying that all the money they collect just really doesn't make it back (there are cries for transparency with L.A.'s CSW board right now as their vendor sourcing and other financial affairs aren't disclosed and as for Long Beach Pride, who can really say, they had huge tax issues a few years back...).


First, Gay Entertainment Directory, the new go-to guide for West Coast gays (even though CSW doesn't know it) is hosting a Pride Kickoff event tonight, Friday, at Padre in Long Beach (Atlantic and Broadway) at 1900. They are collecting food for the AIDS Food Bank so bring a canned item and as a rooftop party it promises to be a fun kickoff to the weekend. Plus, I've been wanting to see Padre at 525 E. Broadway, Long Beach, CA. For more info see GED Magazine


Then, it's off to the Pink Party, the annual Gala and benefit for the Long Beach GLBTQA Center (The Center Long Beach). I used to wonder how relevant the Center was, until I had to volunteer there for three weeks as part of a traffic ticket fine several years back. Wow. Was I wrong. If it weren't for the Center so many homeless GLBT Youth would have no where, no where at all; or the man that lost his lover of 36 years that made me cry when he came in asking for events that may get him out of the house alone for the first time in forever. The Center serves those that need it most, it's why most of us don't see them. We're lucky. We're not them. Yes, it does other things, but of all things it does helping the unseen, the down, the depressed, the homeless, the questioning, the fearful about life or AIDS or whatever, well, after seeing what they do, I'll never question their relevance again.

In any event, they're having a party in the LBC and it's going to be fun. It will go from 19:00 to 00:00 and is at the incredible new space WE Labs at the Packard. Tickets are $20 and VIP are $70. There's Jesse Montana and special guests Lala & Faith, James Kennedy (Vanderpump Rules) and a DJ set as well.


Saturday brings the circuit party of the pride season on board the Queen Mary, Overboard. This is a HiNRG blowout by impresario Joe Pizano who hosts major events in and around Long Beach. The Queen Mary is always involved in Pride (as well as Hotel Maya) and this party will be the event to dance away the night. I'm going to go over just to go shipboard and look at all the handsome men twirling about. Often there are people dangling from the ceiling on ropes, go-go dancers, all the late-night debauchery one could imagine.

Sunday will bring a lovely breakfast at home with the dogs and then I'll hop on the brand spanking new Victory Octane and show it off on the parade route. After starting the parade with the motorcycle contingent (I believe more gays should cycle, it's why I started MotoGLBT) I'll go off to Oliver and his husband's house party and mingle with people old and new while the parade literally passes by. Sure, I'll miss it since I'll stay inside and chat, but that's fine.

Sunday afternoon the entire city from Pine Ave to the Broadway corridor will be alive and electric. GLBT people and those friendly to them will be everywhere. They'll be parties to stumble upon, bars, restaurants and cafes will be full and the afternoon will be filled with a visit around Long Beach and then an afterparty at my home, Park Howard.

And Pride will have happened. I won't have given the "pride" organization one cent. But I will have given my community my time, my presence, and yes, my money. I won't watch the corporate parade, the Wells Fargo entry (as they snatch GLBT homes) or the beer floats. I won't pay a fee for the festival, won't buy expensive beer or have to walk all over the planet in dirt.

But I will remember those brave souls at Stonewall, I will remember every stop of the battle from then until now, I will share with others that being gay today is still no picnic and I will love my friends, hold them dear, and laugh. I will share old memories and make new ones and I will be proud not of BEING gay but of gay people, of gay accomplishments, of the gay community before me and hopefully after me and of my city for welcoming my community, still.

But I will never, ever, ever say Happy Pride -- and if you say it to me, I may vomit. A: It makes no grammatical sense (I know, Pride is the noun, etc., but NO) and B: Just NO.

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