ASO: A Must for App Creators & Developers

So you've created and developed an app that's now out there in the world. Congratulations! You're one of one million. You've told all your friends and family, the people you went to school with, your neighborhood and friends of friends about how it will change their lives so they'll download it.
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So you've created and developed an app that's now out there in the world. Congratulations! You're one of one million. You've told all your friends and family, the people you went to school with, your neighborhood and friends of friends about how it will change their lives so they'll download it. But just like when you start a new business and need to worry about your SEO ranking, now, too, with apps, it's time to start thinking about your ASO (App Store Optimization). More app downloads equals more success. And if you have a mobile app that is tied to your business website, those increased downloads help direct more traffic to your site, with the potential to develop further into more business. More business means more money.

In Gideon Kimbrell's, "Five Killer Marketing and Distribution Strategies for Your App," in Forbes, he says, "By focusing on marketing strategies alongside product development, you can create an app that not only makes life better for your users, but also makes a profit for your startup." Part of your marketing budget for your app should include investing in ASO. Here are 5 things bringing someone on board to handle your ASO can do to increase your app downloads:

Help you create the best preview video possible for your app. The new iOS 8 offers the ability to add a preview video for your app, which means you have to have one in order to have the competitive advantage over those who don't. How does your app improve quality of life? How is it so easy to use? Have an ASO professional advise and direct you in this important tool, the creation of a video. In the words of The ASO Project, "The preview video gives users a live experience of your app before they download it...It is your chance to demo your app and prove why users should choose to download your app rather than a competitor's product.

Test your app icon visibility. Professionals can review your app icon and test it repeatedly to see if it is user-friendly and getting the results you seek.

Fine-tune your app description with relevant keywords. Your app description (and video) is the only chance you have to reel in a potential user. You want to practice economy of language in conjunction with appropriate and accurately selected keywords in order to appear high in search results.

Boost your review numbers. You don't book a hotel or dinner reservation at a new place without checking the reviews. Why shouldn't a potential user of your app do the same? Some companies specializing in ASO can run focus groups of real people who will review your app, and then you can interact with these users even further, thereby boosting your presence in the app store.

Analyze title and screenshots. Your ASO professional can provide you with a full analysis of your app title and screenshot in order to build your audience.


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