Awkward Educational Films Mocked To Perfection By Peter Serafinowicz And Robert Popper (VIDEO)

Awkward Educational Films Mocked To Perfection By Peter Serafinowicz And Robert Popper (VIDEO)

No matter where you went to grade school, chances are you were forced to watch boring, awkwardly-shot educational films in science class. It's practically a rite of passage. What bored you to death in your youth, however, is actually quite funny to watch today. Thus was the inspiration for Robert Popper and Peter Serafinowicz's extremely funny BBC series "Look Around You," a parody version of classic educational films. Using bland backgrounds, obscure science experiments, and an anonymous narrator who constantly tells you to "write that down," Popper and Serafinowicz created the perfect combination of absurdism and spot-on parody.

You may have seen the show's reruns on Adult Swim, and if you've never seen it before, a DVD was just released for the U.S. In the meantime, check out this interview Boing Boing did with Popper and Serafinowicz about making the show and their made-up religion, Tarvuism.


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