13 People You Never Want To Meet At A Bar

13 People You Never Want To Meet At A Bar

It just takes one type of person to take you to bar Hell.

Most people go to bars to hang out with their friends and have a good time. And nothing takes you out of a good time faster than another bar patron killing the mood. We all know these characters, but hopefully you aren't one of them yourself.

These are the people you never want to meet at a bar:

The Political Debater
Andrew Arestov via Getty Images
We often feel strongly about issues too, but right now our only issue is this strong drink.
The Lightweight
Fuse via Getty Images
We know they can't handle their alcohol, but they keep going anyway. Which means later on we have to handle them.
The Excessive Hugger
Smith Collection via Getty Images
Alright we get it, you're having a great time and you love being around us, but let's take the hugging down a notch.
The Emotional Buzzkiller
Radius Images via Getty Images
We understand they're going through a rough time, and there's a time and a place for comforting your friends. But it's a bit of a buzzkill at the bar. Also, alcohol is a depressant, so ... not really helping your cause.
The Yellers
Kevin Mackintosh via Getty Images
What are they so pumped about? No idea. But they just keep cheers-ing and yelling.
The Wild, Heavy Drinker
Ebby May via Getty Images
When someone passes out from drinking, that's not a very good thing, but at least you know where they are. When someone's really drunk and wide awake, you're not sure what they're going to do or where they might end up. All you know is that you might get stuck babysitting a grownup.
The Shot Taker
John Rensten via Getty Images
This is the person who's constantly ordering shots for everyone without asking. Yeah you don't HAVE to take them, but you feel obligated since they're being charged for them. And that also means you'll feel obligated to get them back.
The Fancy Drink Orderer
kzenon via Getty Images
Once in a while, sure, but this person is just taking up the bartender's time. And then they usually want to split the check evenly.
The Close Talker
Thomas Pullicino via Getty Images
Talking to these people is like getting a tiny shower, but just for your face. Seriously, back the f--- off!
The Fighter
mediaphotos via Getty Images
This is the guy or girl who can't help but try and get into fights with people. And it's usually you who gets to clean up the mess.
The Moneyless Drinker
Fuse via Getty Images
This person never seems to have any money on them, but you know what they do have? A drink! Someone is taking the financial hit and it's not the person in question.
The One Checker
Jupiterimages via Getty Images
This is the person who orders a bunch more than everyone, then wants to split everything evenly when the check shows up. And at the right time of night, when no one wants to do math, that person might just get their way.
The In-And-Outer
Cultura/Liam Norris via Getty Images
We JUST got here. This person has chugged their drink and is already itchin' to go somewhere else. Sit down, sip your drink and relax.

Before You Go

Blah, Blah, Blah

19 Reasons To Drink (According To Bars)

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