Zone 3

If your home is cluttered or you're constantly misplacing items, there could be an underlying explanation.
Abdomen pain isn't the only red flag. Pay attention to these other, more subtle symptoms.
These behaviors might not appear a big deal, but they could hurt your brain health in the long run.
"We're driven by these beliefs, but they're kind of like air because you don't really notice them," said therapist Natalie Moore.
Feeling tired no matter how much rest you get? These behaviors you probably do every day could be to blame.
Deep squatting is more common in cultures outside the U.S. — but is it better for our bodies? Here's what experts say.
Stop falling into this trap, and you just might experience joy more often.
Even the pros feel like they're missing out sometimes. Here's what they do when those moments happen.
The FLiRT variants are currently the dominant COVID-19 strains in the United States.
Experts weigh in on the behaviors to avoid to keep your feet and ankles healthy and functioning.
And you've probably said it multiple times today.
Pretending you've seen a movie you've never seen or scrolling your phone to appear busy are both signs of FOPO.
If you want to lower your risk of pain and injury, avoid these behaviors.
Therapists explain the signs of this particular thought pattern, and what to do if it's interfering with your life.
Plus, therapist-backed advice for people who think they have ADHD.
This common habit seems harmless, but vets say it keeps you from connecting with your pet.
This physical component of the mental health issue doesn't get enough attention. Here's why it happens and how to deal.
And you're probably doing most of them.
Even the pros struggle with down days. Here's what they do when it happens to them.
This seemingly innocent message can cause a spiral. Here's why.