Bernie Sanders Jokes About Using Lie Detector On Donald Trump In Debates; Twitter Titters

"Well, we’ll bring a lie detector along and every time he lies it goes ‘beep.'"

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) set Twitter alight with his tongue-in-cheek suggestion about using a lie detector on President Donald Trump during the 2020 presidential election debates.

Sanders’ joke came during a televised CNN town hall event hosted by Wolf Blitzer on Monday night. Blitzer asked Sanders how he would engage with Trump, if he was the Democratic nominee, on the debate stage.

Sanders, who confirmed his presidential run last week, replied: “Well, we’ll bring a lie detector along and every time he lies it goes ‘beep.’”

Sanders said he didn’t mean “to be overly facetious” with the one-liner.

He has conservative friends who “believe what they believe, and I believe what I believe, and that’s called democracy and that’s a good thing,” he added. “But I think the fraud that Trump is, the pathological liar that he is, has to be exposed.”

People on Twitter called Sanders’ response “awesome” and “amazing,” although some pointed out potential problems:

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