Best Tweets: What Women Said On Twitter This Week

The Best Tweets From Women This Week

The Golden Globes are on Sunday (@HuffPostWomen will be live-tweeting!), but this week, there was just as much chatter about the Oscars. Emma Stone and host Seth MacFarlane announced the nominations on Thursday morning, and Twitter immediately exploded with commentary.

Jena Friedman was convinced there had been a mistake: "wait a minute, why wasn't Kathryn Bigelow nominated for best director? Is there a best female director category I'm not seeing? #Oscars." Alex Anderson Conrad joked about one of the Supporting Actress nominees: "'Has anyone ever sung their acceptance speech'? -Anne Hathaway whispering excitedly, yet cautiously, to her publicist." And MarinkaNYC just braced herself for the next month and a half: "Not sure I'm ready for an Oscar season full of 'Silver Lining' puns."

For more fantastic tweets from women, click through the gallery below. And if that isn't enough (which, of course, it is not), visit our Best Tweets From Women page for all our past roundups and check out our slideshow of the best tweets of 2012.

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