Birther Movement: Pennsylvania Republican Seeks To Remove Obama From Ballot

Pennsylvania Republican Challenges Obama's Citizenship

Barack Obama does not have the legal right to be President of the United States.

Such is the claim of Thomas Barchfeld, a Whitehall Borough resident from Glen Elm Drive and a member of the Whitehall Borough Republican Committee. And Barchfeld says that he has proof.

The 56-year-old former Democrat-he switched parties in 2011-has been going to the homes of registered Republicans in Whitehall (a Pittsburgh suburb) with a letter that he has written to Pennsylvania Secretary Carol Aichele claiming that Obama's natural-born citizenry is in serious question.

In fact, to Barchfeld, there is no doubt.

While Barchfeld does not directly question Obama's birthplace-the president was born in Hawaii in 1961-he instead focuses on Obama's parents. That's parents with an "s," and according to Barchfeld, that's extremely important.

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