Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers
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In the book The Compass, I wrote; Old pain is an anchor.

It's self-explanatory and profound, and I've found it to be true. Why then, do we humans allow the pain of yesterday to create barriers that keep us from moving forward to that next level in life?

The answer is that it's too difficult to release or address, or, that we just don't see it.

Often, we've got blind spots about our emotional barriers or limitations.

Sometimes we just don't know they are there, because they're covered up by achievement, family, kids or activities.

I own a book writing and leadership company, but it's never about the book. It's always about the leader and his or her legacy. What's yours? One cannot truly know, unless we know what the barriers to it are first.

Barriers can be broken down and a new life created with the simple act of writing your story. I've found that when I sit with a CEO or other successful executive who has been harboring old pain to write their story, that their inner world changes, once it's on paper. Things that have held them back from having real relationships, come forth and are released.

When we work with the homeless in our community giving program, Words are Currency, one of the first things we do is ask them to rewrite their story. We've done this inside youth prisons, with gang members on the street, and in homeless writer workshops, as well as for abused women in shelters. We've done this with professional athletes, and leaders of all ages.

When you re write your story, you make an intentional effort to redefine yourself.

It's not a 12 step program.

In one instant, barriers are broken.

By: Tammy Kling – CEO OnFire Leadership

For more information on How To Break Down Barriers click the link below:

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