Colleges With The Lowest Graduation Rates [UPDATED]

Colleges With The Lowest Graduation Rates [UPDATED]

A recently released Chronicle of Higher Education study found that overall, graduation rates at American higher education institutions have declined by 33 percent since 2002 -- with the recession as a likely cause.

Below are the 12 public and private research universities with lowest graduation rates.* The Chronicle has a searchable list of all colleges and universities included in their research.

See the schools with the highest graduation rates here.

Does this list surprise you? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

*Some institutions included in the study, such as Golden Gate University and Alliant International University, enrolled few students -- 50 or less -- who were classified as full-time by government criteria and thus eligible for inclusion in the federal survey of graduation rates from 2002 to 2008. These students represent a minority of the institution's total enrollment in certain instances.

Golden Gate University: 10 percent*

Colleges With The Lowest Graduation Rates

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