Connections: A 7 Day Interview Series with Women Entrepreneurs - Day 6

Connections: A 7 Day Interview Series with Women Entrepreneurs - Day 6
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Nikki Pebbles is everything! Smart, sassy, warm, loving, ambitious, passionate.... She is the little sister I've been waiting for.

What do you get when you combine part branding strategist, part business coach, part BADASS and part social media ninja warrior with killer enthusiasm and passion for helping others? An unstoppable, fiery redhead: Nikki Pebbles.

Nikki Pebbles is the founder and CEO of The School of Badass Branding that helps female entrepreneurs find their voice, and inner badass, so they can power forward with a solid foundation for a successful business.

What does IMPACT mean to you?

IMPACT means the ability to inspire someone to be BETTER than they were yesterday. Its the ability for someone to look in the mirror and say "I am going to conquer the day."

What gives you the drive/passion to do what you do? In other words, what is your WHY?

What gives me my biggest drive is helping women discover who they TRULY are. Too many times, we silence our own voices because of the fear that we aren't good enough. My goal is to help bring that voice OUT into the world and make it SO DAMN LOUD that you can't help but listen.

HOW do you get your mission out into the world?

Social media has played a HUGE role in getting my mission out into the world. We are able to spread out message by the press of a button and I use that to my FULL advantage!

What is the best piece of advice you were given?

The best piece of advice I've ever been give is to ALWAYS stay true to yourself. There will be people who will tell you that you need to fit a certain type of mold or category... forget those people.

What talent would you most like to have?

I WISH I was able to sing. I know for a fact that Beyonce would have MAJOR competition if I had some vocals.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I'm not kidding when I say that my 6th grade photo has the caption "I want to be Britney Spears when I grow up" ...OH BOY.

Where are you the happiest?

I am my happiest when I'm dancing. It is second nature to me and I truly feel like I'm free when I'm listening to music. Its my happy place :)

Andi Wickman is on a mission is to help elevate women. To lift them into the entrepreneur world. To hold their hand when they think they can’t go bigger. To help them realize the fire within themselves. To help them share their mission with the world.

She is hosting a 5 Day Visibility Challenge to help online entrepreneurs become a person of authority and influence:

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