, Satirical Website, Generates Non-Sensical Corporate Speak For You

Satirical Website Generates Non-Sensical Corporate Speak For You

Turns out you don't have to be part of the corporate world to come up with confusing, often meaningless jargon like "dynamic" and "outside the box." In fact, you don't even have to be a human.

Last June, software developer Gautier de Montmollin launched a project on called the Corporate Bullsh*t Generator. The developer describes the program as "a random text generator that is focused on corporate bullsh*t, producing 400 pages per second of sentences like 'A balanced efficiency drives the enablers within the industry', as meaningless as those from real people."

Such corporate jargon can pose some very real communication issues in the office, according to Career Builder editor Amy Chulik, and when you read some of the business blather the Generator has produced in the months since its launch, it's easy to see why. Even, a site that claims to be able to translate corporate jargon into regular-person English was stumped by almost everything the Generator could throw at it.

Here are a few of our favorite (and most incomprehensible) examples of corporate speak generated by an actual robot:

-The resources credibly strategize our progressive technologies from the get-go. Our best-in-class, leveraged, visions 24/7 enhance the dotted lines. The group technically manages our supply-chains.

-The key people interactively incentivize a centralized respect up-front.

-A top efficiency inspires the resources. Our cascading and balanced continuity strategically incentivizes the gatekeeper, while the resource 200% visualizes our measurements.

-An evolutionary efficiency expediently motivates the steering committee.

-The customers rebalance our productive unknown unknowns. The Chief Customer Relations Officer boosts inspiring solutions within the organization.

-Our gut-feeling is that the resources figure out where we come from, where we are going to.

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