Demi Lovato, CAST Centers, and A Powerful Voice That Saves Lives...

Demi Lovato, CAST Centers, and A Powerful Voice That Saves Lives...
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Demi Lovato, Cast Centers Partner, Alumni

You may know Demi Lovato from her chart-topping musical endeavors. You might be familiar with her work in the fashion industry. Or maybe from her powerhouse voice as an icon in the pop culture, celebrity driven world we inhabit today. Maybe if you are lucky, you just know her as Demi.

It’s been clear she has triumphed over great adversity. Back in 2011 Lovato sought treatment for her substance use issues and for Bipolar Disorder. Her struggles with the disease and her treatment since, has helped her life become one centered around recovery, advocacy, and activism for mental health awareness.

This part of her story really resonated with me- deeply. I live with a sever form of bipolar disorder and I am inspired by Demi’s drive to give back to her community, to our world. She’s endured the very personal, sensitive issues that go hand-in-hand with addiction and mental health in the public spotlight. And she’s become an powerful voice for change in the process. Her participation in support of mental health legislation for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has been applauded in the field.

But, it’s her highly-visible, recent work with CAST Centers that’s the biggest point of inspiration in this story for me.

Demi Lovato, Sharing at a Cast Centers Event

It was at CAST Centers in Southern California where Lovato reached out and asked for help. There she met an ever smiling tall, muscle boung man named Mike Bayer, and together they are chaining the world.

Mike Bayer, and a Selfie

In an article on The Mighty entitled Demi Lovato Co-Owns CAST Centers, a Mental Health Rehab Facility, she elaborates on her experience in mental health treatment at CAST Centers, saying “...because of that, I’m now sitting here right now alive and more successful than I’ve ever been.” You can read more about her perspective on the programs available at CAST Centers and how much her life has changed since seeking treatment in the story on The Mighty, By Jordan Davidson

My experience speaking last August as a member of the #castontour series was incredibly powerful and moving. To have the opportunity to connect with a group of people who run an organization in the way that I believe should be run- with the focus on individuals and related wellness plans- was nothing short of life affirming, and empowering. Watch as Mike Bayer and Demi talk so passionately about CAST Centers...

In sharing my story, strength and survival, with Demi sitting right in font of me as I detailed my life trajectory from well before the fateful day 17 years ago that I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge was a gift. That evening an hour prior to Demi and Nick Jonas concert, I spoke my truth. I was given the opportunity to listen to the recovery stories of her fans, and staff. They opened up and shared their stories of struggle and triumph with me. Their honesty opened my eyes to the impact Ms. Lovato, Mike Bayer, Hank Fortner, and their team had during their 44 city tour. It was exceptional. You could feel the hope rising in the air.

Kevin Hines at CAST Centers on Demi Lovato's Tour

And it was amazing to see how they’ve really created programs that work in mental health, wellness, mindfulness treatment. Guiding people to become as Mike says Their BEST selves. Watching them work gave me renewed sense of belonging in the thing I believe in most - the ability to CHOOSE to opt-in to a successful treatment plan in life with the brain disease- Bipolar Disorder- that I still fight- daily. And in working tirelessly for my health, all of my health, from brain, mind, behavioral, mental health, and wellbeing, I won't just succeed, I will thereby live.

The way that CAST Centers runs their organization- with a major focus on mental wellness and well-being driven by medical treatment, proven therapeutic practices and an emphasis on mindfullness their methods definitely jives with how I fight to find daily meaning in life. Mike Bayer expains the good work done at CAST Centers on KTLA here:

You might be wondering, how do I live well today?

I take time to reflect on the positive with the people around me and on a daily basis. I also make it a habit to get into a routine by checking-in with my support group, my wife, my peers about my state of mind and what my current treatment needs are.

I have also based my goals of living around being balanced with all sorts of different therapies- music, talk, and art therapy are a big part of my world. Therapy is the name of the game when it comes to brain health, proven, reputable, effective achievable goal based therapy!

And perhaps most importantly, as they practice at CAST Centers, I make time to stay mindful. I talk about things even when it’s difficult or embarrassing. I’m continually focused on communicating because ultimately, my goal is to #beheretomorrow. Each and every day, I commit to life, while living with chronic suicidal ideations, thoughts, and ideas. I remain in the idea that no matter the struggle, I will never die by my hands. I will always seek out help, work to better my health, to be the best me I can.

CAST Centers Logo

CAST Centers has grown with Lovato and others in a position of visibility and influence whom are actively promoting mental health wellness and treatment with a focus on ending stigma and helping people survive-and thrive. Two balanced efforts I believe are hugely critical elements in addressing the struggle that is brain disease and the impact it has on so many of our lives.

CAST Centers has an extremely informative website, helping so many here:

If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t be afraid to talk, ask questions with the goal of help and/or treatment. Remember, It ain’t weak to speak.

For more information and links to mental health content and my upcoming documentary film:

Suicide The Ripple Effect please do navigate to 17th & Montgomery Productions

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