DNC Accuses South Carolina Gov. Of 'Playing Politics' In New Ad (VIDEO)

DNC Accuses South Carolina Gov. Of 'Playing Politics' In New Ad (VIDEO)

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who has raised the ire of state and Capitol Hill lawmakers (and the unemployed) this week for announcing his decision to refuse stimulus funding, is now the target of a Democratic National Committee TV ad. The ad accuses Sanford of "playing politics" with South Carolina's future during a time of crisis -- a move that has drawn fire from notable Democrats and Republicans alike.

The Democratic National Committee will begin airing the ad Monday on cable television in Columbia, South Carolina, spokesman Damien LaVera said. The 30-second ad is scheduled to run for "at least a week," he added.


"South Carolina is facing tough times -- but Governor Sanford is playing politics instead of doing what's right," the narrator says. "Turning down millions in recovery act funds, putting politics ahead of health care, jobs and schools. Leading Democrats and Republicans oppose Sanford's move. Tell Governor Sanford: Stop Playing Politics With South Carolina's Future."

Sanford's decision to turn down $500 million in education funds could cost 7,500 teachers in South Carolina their jobs. Eighth grader Ty'sheoma Bethea's crumbling school, mentioned in President Obama's first address to Congress, will remain in disrepair.

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