, Yelp For Escorts, Allows Users To Rate Sex Workers Like Restaurants

This Website Allows You To Rate?

Ever wished you could find some user reviews of local escorts, just to make sure you don't end up with a dud on date night?

We're guessing not, but if you were, you'd be in luck.

Texas-based website allows users to rate and review local sex workers.

According to Jezebel, is not the first site of its kind, but's homepage boasts that the company is "the fastest growing escort review website online."

This growth might be curtailed, however, if Texas state senator Leticia Van De Putte gets her way. Van De Putte is currently pushing a bill through the senate that would "aid in slowly shutting down escort review websites that undoubtedly result in prostitution."

CBS DFW reporter Mireya Villarreal spoke to the Texas Attorney General’s office, who confirmed that the website was under investigation for links to illegal activity. Social worker Jenny Ford told Villarreal that she was particularly concerned about human trafficking, which she said is "happening everywhere. I mean, you can call and get somebody delivered to your house, to your apartment, or to a hotel,” Ford told CBS DFW.

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