Eureka College, Reagan's Alma Mater, Plans Year-Long Celebration Of Gipper's 100th Birthday

Ronald Reagan's Tiny Alma Mater Planning Yearlong 100th Birthday Celebration

The tiny, central Illinois college with one big alum is launching a yearlong celebration in his honor.

In 1932, Eureka College graduated a young football player, economics major and closet actor by the name of Ronald Reagan. Now, the college -- whose incoming class this year was a record-breaking 295 -- is lining up events to commemorate what would have been the Gipper's 100th birthday, on February 6, 2011.

The entire year will feature Reagan-themed events including the Reagan Centennial Speaker Series, in which invited guests will discuss the president's legacy. There will also be musical performances, mini-courses on his presidency and a musical performance by the Eureka College Chamber Singers of the new composition "Reagan in Illinois."

The celebratory year was kicked off Tuesday with an appearance by former Illinois Governor and honorary chairman of Eureka College Jim Edgar. Edgar honored Reagan's legacy, and praised the environment that raised him.

According to the Pantagraph, Edgar pointed out that none of the scandal-tainted Illinois politicians have hailed from Central Illinois; instead, such figures as Reagan, Adlai Stevenson, Everett Dirksen and Abraham Lincoln have spoken well of the region in their careers of service.

While Illinois calls itself the Land of Lincoln, he was in fact born on Sinking Spring Farm in Kentucky. Reagan is the only president who was born in the state of Illinois, in the town of Tampico, population 772.

Here is the full list of upcoming Reagan Centennial events (courtesy of Eureka College):

Sept. 17: Reagan Centennial Speaker Series starts with 10 a.m. speech in Cerf Center by Michael Maibach, CEO, European-American Business Council; other speakers and dates, all at 7:30 p.m. in the Cerf Center, are William Wind, U.S. Secret Service, Oct. 4; Carrie Thompson Wolf, assistant parliamentarian, U.S. House of Representatives, Oct. 25; and George Leal, assistant district attorney for U.S. District Court, El Paso, Texas, Nov. 1. Spring speakers are Joanne Drake, Reagan Presidential Foundation director; Charles Lee, Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office; and Jay Hein, former director, White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

Nov. 9: Retired Gen. Paul X. Kelley, former U.S. Marine Corps commandant, becomes 2010-2011 honorary Ronald Reagan Fellow.

Jan. 13-15: "Reagan and the Midwest," national academic conference on Reagan's formative years in Illinois. No fee; pre-registration required at 309-467-6301.

Feb. 4: 4 p.m., Cerf Center, Eureka College Founders' Day observance; keynote speaker: the Rev. Glenn Carson, president, Disciples of Christ Historical Society.

Feb. 6: President Reagan's 100th birthday; Super Bowl XLV party at Reagan Physical Education Center, $20, reservations at 309-467-6420.

Feb. 19: 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., Eureka College Chamber Singers will accompany Dixon Municipal Band, world premiere of "Reagan in Illinois" by David Holsinger; visit

May term: Reagan scholar Craig Shirley to teach three-week course on "Survey of American Presidential Campaigns."

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