Top 10 Tips to Be Lean@50 (Or After)

Attention all women over 50. Are you feeling cold, fat and old? Or do you find problems aging in a different way such as osteoporosis, aching joints, muscles pains, muscle spasms that are leaving you depressed and exhausted?
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Attention all women over 50.

Are you feeling cold, fat and old?

Or do you find problems aging in a different way such as osteoporosis, aching joints, muscles pains, muscle spasms that are leaving you depressed and exhausted?

It is true that after 50 our body starts to decline at a rapid rate and we have to pay extra attention to it to maintain it. Diet may have never been on your radar before but now you find that all you have to do is have a nibble of a biscuit and you gain weight. Or you may find that eating too much gluten creates havoc on your joints keeping you awake at night with the pain.

Is a "diet" recommended?

For some women, having to watch their intake of food in order to avoid any weight gain may be a new concept, while other women have been "dieting" all their lives only to find at 50 the weight creeping on more than ever.

Unfortunately, whatever situation you are in if you find that you are gaining some pounds as you reach 50 and beyond, you do have to address the issue. With a decrease in metabolism, comes weight gain, and whether you like it or not, if you do not address the issue now, the problem will not go away but will increase and lead to other complications such as diabetes, lethargy and heart problems.

I am not here to scare you into making changes, simply I would like to share some recommendations to help you keep trim in your middle years and beyond to help you feel good about yourself and get your body back on track.

Here are my 10 Top Tips to Be Lean@50

  1. Exercise doing what you enjoy, not what you find a chore. There is so much to choose from, especially if you want to keep pressure off your joints. Water aerobics, bike riding (if you can handle the saddle sore afterwards), walking, hill walking or swimming are a few that may interest you. Or what about line dancing or rumba classes?

  • Purchase clothes that are a good fit and style. There is nothing worse that buying an outfit that is not comfortable or is not flattering. This will leave you feeling low and despondent. If you feel confident and comfortable in the clothes you wear, people will notice your confidence and you will feel better about yourself, and less inclined to reach for a chocolate bar.
  • Make any new plan of action a simple plan and one that you will most likely adhere to. Many women can get overwhelmed or feel like they have failed if they make any goals too difficult to attain. If you rarely go for walks at the moment, then the first change would not be to go for a 20mile hike in the wilderness. Get aquatinted with your own neighborhood first, starting out with just a 10-minute walk gradually building up to 20 minutes a day for example. Within a month you should be ready for your first 2-mile hike.
  • Okay, so I will not say the "diet" word, but whatever the word is you do have to pay attention to what you are eating. With a decrease in your body's metabolism, you do have to eat less. The other option is to increase your activity accordingly. But, do not make the mistake that many women do, in that once they exercise more means they can eat more. If you want to trim down, you have to trim your foods, full stop.
  • Concentrate on what you should be eating and not what you should be avoiding. Have you noticed that the minute you make the announcement to yourself that you are going to stop eating chocolates, for example, all of a sudden there are more advertisements on television tempting you to eat chocolate or the magazine you are reading has pages upon pages of tasty and devilish desserts?
  • Let's flip this. How about if I said you can eat all the vegetables, meat, fish and full-fat yoghurt with some fruit added in for good measure. I can hear you already, what! All I can eat!! Now remember, I just said all the vegetables, meat, fish and full-fat yoghurt and there is a reason for that. Have you ever tried eating a whole plate of broccoli? No, I did not think so. That is because these foods in their natural state (without added sauces, salt etc.) are not addictive, so very hard to actually over-eat.

    Instead of thinking that you are deprived, turn this around to abundance by simply changing the foods that you are eating.

  • Take time with each meal to set the table. Use your good crockery and not keep them locked up for special occasions. When you pay attention to what you are eating and appreciating it (as opposed to eating at your desk or in front of the television) gives further validation to your brain that you have actually eaten.
  • Eat when you are hungry and not when the clock tells you that you should eat. I know many people say that breakfast is the best meal, but for me, that is not always the case. I am not a morning person and those closest to me will agree. There are times that all I want is a cup of tea and relax. Then come 9.30 I feel hungry enough to eat breakfast. This is when I cook myself something or eat a breakfast a café as opposed to a coffee and muffin.
  • Live alone and do not feel like cooking every evening? That is fine, cook every second night and cook in bulk. Leftovers from the night before become your lunch. Putting a serving into the freezer gives you another night of freedom from cooking. Invite a friend over, better still, and take it in turns with a neighbor who may be eating alone also.
  • Ditch toxic friends and start making new friends that you enjoy being with. Making new friends that bring out the best in you can make a world of difference in your life. Join a club and discover a fresh group of people without the pressure, just fun and enjoyment.
  • Lastly, start ditching the fat-free foods, especially fat-free yoghurt. You need the fats in order to feel satisfied. Two dessertspoonful of whole fat Greek yoghurt will leave you satisfied and not raid the cupboards within the hour. Don't believe me? Go and try it out for yourself. See how different you feel eating fat-free yogurt and fresh fruit one day for breakfast as opposed to full-fat yoghurt the following day. I would love to hear your comments below.
  • Feeling energetic, having flexible joints and attaining a restful sleeping is the key to physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and should be your focus. Once you feel good in your body and take care of it, the rest will follow.

    Julie Dargan is a Nurse, Naturopath BHSc and has worked in the wellness industry for over 30 years. Julie's
    is excellent to get you on the right track to help you lose weight and find hormonal harmony in the menopause. Sign up now and enjoy the free program in 2016. Julie recently released an exciting
    that explores why diets do not work and how to get you in the correct mind frame to lose weight. Julie also has a
    page for women over 50 and looking for solutions to halt weight gain in the menopause.

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