Florida's Senate Passes Restricted Medical Marijuana Strain Legislation

Florida's House of Representatives hasn't committed to hear the bill as of yet, but Senator Rob Bradley has said that he was certain that the legislation would indeed be heard and possibly modified, then sent back to the Senate chambers.
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Legislation that has been informally titled the "Charlotte's Web" bill has successfully traversed Florida's Senate via a vote of 36-3.

Said legislation would permit a strain of marijuana high in Cannabidiol (CBD) and low in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to be legalized in the state for medical use.

Senate Bill 1030 now heads over to the other side of the aisle where it will undergo further legislative scrutiny.

Regardless of its recent triumph, the bill's destiny still remains tentative due to the fact that members of the state's House are raising concerns as to whether the extract can be manufactured safely enough for mass distribution.

Holley Moseley, mother of RayAnn who suffers with cerebral palsy and has endured intractable epilepsy, testified to a Senate committee that her family's subsequent alternative is a surgery that would involve disconnecting the two hemispheres of her brain "or try a natural product that's working on children in Colorado, also known as Charlotte's Web."

"If it were your kid, what would you do? You'd go to the end of the world... to make sure your kid gets a chance to have a day without a seizure," Senator Aaron Bean avowed during the Senate debate.

Florida's House of Representatives hasn't committed to hear the bill as of yet, but Senator Rob Bradley has said that he was certain that the legislation would indeed be heard and possibly modified, then sent back to the Senate chambers.

Stay with The 420 Times for any further updates regarding the progress of Florida's Senate Bill 1030.

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