Former WWE Superstar Ryback Muscles Into Fitness Supplement Industry

Former WWE Superstar Ryback Muscles Into Fitness Supplement Industry
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World Wrestling Entertainment taught Ryback many things –- none greater than the importance of brand recognition. After a decade with the sports entertainment titan, “The Big Guy” is putting that lesson to good use with the November release of his nutrition and fitness apparel lines as well as a motivational book.

Former WWE Superstar Ryback
Former WWE Superstar Ryback

“Simply put, I had to get away, take control of my life,” said Ryback of departing WWE in August. “Now I’m getting to do some things that are really fun, will help a lot of people, and that I’m really passionate about. For me, it’s a great time.”

For the first time since 2005, the man now legally known as Ryback is not affiliated with WWE. Having launched a career in pro wrestling as a contestant on Tough Enough 4, the Las Vegas native eventually grew into one of the most recognizable faces and physiques in sports entertainment.

"If you look at the physical bodies of the wrestlers of today versus those of yesteryear, it’s night and day," said Ryback of sports entertainment's shift from muscular giants to leaner, faster competitors.

"I always took pride in having one of those physiques that was kind of a throwback," the former WWE Intercontinental champion continued during a lengthy telephone interview. "That’s because I bust my ass, know about proper nutrition and supplementation, and I’ve been able to keep my physique at a certain level."

Personal experience has laid the groundwork for Ryback's next career evolution -- business owner. The Feed Me More Nutrition line becomes available through his official website later this year.

Ryback is a former WWE Intercontinental Champ.
Ryback is a former WWE Intercontinental Champ.
World Wrestling Entertainment

"Now that I’ve left [WWE], I have the time — and I’ve always had these ideas in my head for Feed Me More Nutrition," said Ryback, who has been fascinated with workout supplements since starting to lift weights at 12-years-old. "I had all these notes I’ve written over the years, so I got in contact with a very reputable production company. They asked if I was some kind of chemist, because the formulas are so good."

Initially the line will consist of just three products, all sweetened with Stevia rather than artificial sugar substitutes. Though he is pleased to introduce "Wake Up Unlimited Energy" pre-workout and the whey protein isolate "Iso-Hungry," he is most anxious to debut all-natural testosterone enhancer "The Big Guy." According to the superstar, the product helped restore his own natural testosterone levels for the first time in over a decade.

"I suffered from low testosterone for five years before I was on TV with WWE," admitted Ryback, who links the imbalance to using performance enhancing drugs prior to the start of his wrestling career. "My body never recovered from that, and it happens to a lot of guys."

Thanks to the WWE Wellness Policy -- "I will commend it all day long," he said -- Ryback went on doctor-supervised testosterone replacement therapy and was monitored by routine blood tests. "It kept my testosterone levels at normal, so I could feel good and function normally as a man," he stated.

Hoping to eventually settle down and have kids, the 34-year-old muscleman began using his own formula in an effort to regain his body's natural testosterone balance. After a period of months, testing shows he has regained equilibrium.

"My doctor was in shock and couldn’t believe it, so the supplement works," he said. "That alone, I cannot wait! For guys out there that are coming off steroid cycles or have been on testosterone replacement cycles because they’ve had no other options, now there’s another option."

Though he cites "horror stories" from many who have used anabolic steroids, he has compassion. Ryback blames the popularity of performance enhancing drugs on societal pressures and individual "insecurities," noting the lure of fast results outweighs long-term risks for many.

"I’ve been on both sides of the fence, so I don't judge, but we’ve seen what people can look like on them. It’s hard to accept you’re not going to look the same on them as you will off," he said, "But you can have an exceptional physique without steroids...I take great pride in looking the way I look now and not using those things –- and being so much happier without."

As Ryback awaits the launch of his fitness line and book -- titled Wake Up! It's Feeding Time! -- his schedule is filling with personal appearances and independent wrestling gigs. He has meet and greet events scheduled Oct. 1 in Culver City, CA, at Gemini Sports Cards and the following day at Milo's Collectibles in San Jose. He returns to the ring in mid-October for New Jersey-based WrestlePro.

Ryback's Global Catchphrase: "Feed Me More"
Ryback's Global Catchphrase: "Feed Me More"

While many names who parted ways with WWE along with him are popping up in competing companies -- namely Total Nonstop Action, which has signed Aron Rex (formerly Damien Sandow) and Cody and Brandi Rhodes -- do not look for Ryback to follow suit. The draw of TV exposure or long-term agreements is of little interest, The Big Guy says.

"I don’t want to be held down by anyone for a year or two years or three years. I want to keep my options open," he says. "Having the creative control, and being open to doing any shows I want right now on the independents, it’s well worth being able to have that freedom."

Meanwhile, the Ryback brand is perhaps stronger than ever. Without the constraints of a WWE contract, the competitor says fans are seeing a much clearer representation of who he actually is, especially through his new podcast Conversations with The Big Guy.

"Creating that was a way for me to stay in the public eye, have my voice be heard, and we’re doing great," he said. "People are tuning in and listening, and I can’t say thank you enough.

"Everyone’s been very receptive of the person they’re seeing since I left WWE, and it’s me. I’m just being me," Ryback concluded. "People have never gotten to see that on a grand schedule, and that’s who I’ve been from Day 1. Now I have full control of how people perceive me, and it’s been nothing but positive."

For a Complete Listing of Appearances, Upcoming Matches or Details on Feed Me More Nutrition, Visit Ryback's Website.

Read More of Pollo Del Mar’s Professional Wrestling Features Here.

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