Fox News Caught Spreading Myths and Falsehoods About Gulf Oil Spill

Getting away with murder has always been difficult, as it should be, but it gets a lot easier with a large enough press corps behind you.
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Media Matters for America recently published a list of falsehoods about the Gulf Oil spill that have been presented by Fox News. Their list of myths and falsehood begins with Fox news people staunchly defending BP in the Gulf, by:

* Calling the escrow fund a "shakedown" or a "stickup" (10 instances)
* Calling investigations into the incident, McCarthyist "witch trials" (9x)
* Saying that the Obama administration has "demonized BP" (9x)
* Suggesting that the spill was a government conspiracy (4x)

Apparently, the good folks at Fox News believe that in their role as a responsible news organization, looking out for regular, middle of the road American people, it is important to not let the truth out when it comes to corporate malfeasance, because that could lead to a loss of jobs.

Myth: Obama waited weeks (50 to 55 days) before responding to the spill

In fact, the Coast Guard responded within hours and Obama was briefed the next day.

MS Gov. Haley Barbour-R, said that the government has done more right than wrong.

Myth: No moratorium on drilling is needed. Oil companies can handle spills. (2x)

In truth, all oil companies have the same response plan that BP has, written by a small Texas sub-contractor, the Response Group, which clearly doesn't work. In fact, the CEO of Exxon-Mobil told Congressman Bart Stupak that the oil industry is not well-equipped to handle a major spill which is why they primarily rely on prevention.

Myth: BP was only drilling way out there because environmentalists wouldn't let them drill anywhere else.

In fact, that is where the remaining oil is. According to a 2008 MMS report, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico is America's Energy Future.

Myth: Obama, unlike Bush, was on vacation during the crisis.

Obama did visit Asheville, NC shortly after the spill, though he used the occasion to meet with the families of the West Virginia mine tragedy. He visited Chicago on Memorial Day and was scheduled to give a speech at a cemetery honoring those killed at war, but it was canceled due to the weather. Bush, on the other hand spent three weekends at Camp David in the two months following Katrina.

Myth: It is ridiculous and offensive to blame Bush for the spill.

Here are the facts: In 2005, the Bush administration passed regulations that basically allowed oil companies to regulate themselves, saying that a driller is "in the best position to determine the environmental effects of its proposed activity." In April 2008, Bush loosened rules requiring a blowout plan. The MMS under Bush downplayed the risk of a major spill in the Gulf on three different occasions. Bush officials ignored warnings about the effectiveness of Blowout Preventers mechanisms in deep water. The list goes on.

Of course, we are also still waiting to learn the content of what was discussed in secret meetings between VP Dick Cheney and oil company executives in determining America's energy policy. If the Obama administration is truly ready to start holding responsible parties accountable, we should expect to see Cheney subpoenaed shortly.

Myth: Obama is the largest recipient of BP cash.

Obama accepted no money from BP's PAC. He did receive $71,050 from BP employees.

This amount represented less than 0.01% of his total 2008 campaign contributions.

Myth : Obama turned down offers of assistance from foreign countries in the Gulf.

Fact: There are presently 15 foreign-flagged vessels assisting in the cleanup.

Myth: Obama administration defied the Constitution in setting up the escrow account for victims of the spill.

The facts are as follows:

BP voluntarily offered to set up the escrow account.

According to Legal Planet, under the 1990 Oil Pollution Act, passed after the Exxon-Valdez incident, the responsible company is required to "to establish a process for 'the payment or settlement of claims for interim, short-term damages' that might encompass an escrow and independent decision-makers."

And if this level of misinformation from Fox wasn't bad enough, BP has now sent out a cadre of PR professionals, posing as journalists, to spin the news in their favor, and post articles telling everyone that things are not so bad.

Getting away with murder has always been difficult, as it should be, but it gets a lot easier with a large enough press corps behind you.

RP Siegel is the co-author of Vapor Trails, the eco-thriller that tells the story of the spill a year before it happened.

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