Fox News: We Report (The Names Of Two People), You Decide (Who Is Actually The Suspect)

Fox News: We Report (The Names Of Two People), You Decide (Who Is Actually The Suspect)

Here in the HuffPo office, our intrepid staffers were glued to the unfolding hostage situation at Hillary Clinton's campaign headquarters in Rochester, New Hampshire — including the ongoing coverage by Fox News, thanks to reporter-on-the-scene Carl Cameron. Cameron, who chased down the story in the Fox Election Link Vehicle, provided continuous updates as details about the hostage situation leaked out — including the identity of a man who was initially named as a suspect, one Troy Alan Stanley. Stanley's son, Troy Stanley Jr., identified his father and, according to Fox, told the police that he had recently bought flares at a hardware store (which were thought to be strapped to his chest instead of a bomb). Reports of recent arrests, marital trouble and turmoil in his personal life surfaced, and Stanley's ex-wife showed up at the scene and declared him a "diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic" who had not been taking his lithium.

But! As it turned out, Troy Stanley was NOT the hostage taker — as confirmed by HuffPo's on-the-scene correspondent from Off The Bus, Bryan Bissell. The real suspect turned out to be the similarly-troubled Leeland Eisenberg. This news broke around 5:50 pm on HuffPo, CNN, E&P and Fox News below — except that someone forgot to tell the people working the Fox chyron. Watch as Cameron plainly IDs Eisenberg ("The suspect is believed to be Leeland Eisenberg — a new name") while the chyron still stubbornly insists that "Clinton Office Standoff Suspect Is Troy Stanley" — then displays information provided by Stanley's ex-wife. Oops. Watch:

Like Hillary Clinton, we're just glad that the situation was resolved without anyone being harmed and the suspect is now safely in custody. In other news, we couldn't help but notice that Cameron looked very dashing and anchormannish in his overcoat — we're glad he decided to go with the collar up.

Carl Cameron, Fox News MVP! Still going strong live from Rochester at the top of Hannity & Colmes. Collar down, but jaunty, and his earmuffs are still rockin'.

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