Get Organized and Find 10 More Hours Every Week

Get Organized and Find 10 More Hours Every Week
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The new year has arrived, whether we like or not, and you’re likely feeling a blend of excitement and anxiety. There is the hope of what is possible mixed with the monster under the bed: extreme doubt. And not just any doubt, it’s doubt that’s backed by experience because you haven’t ever (really) gotten your poop in a group – your shiz together – your life and business organized.

When you’re not organized, you are straight-up robbed of your most precious commodity: time. You find yourself repeating that there is never enough time in your day to get everything accomplished. You want to stretch yourself and reach new goals, but you find yourself constantly treading water.

Without more time or more help there is simply no way to think bigger.

Then, worst-case-scenario, you find yourself justifying concrete reasons why you haven’t been able to get everything done, and you continue the cycle of accepting the pain that’s familiar. In order to succeed and reach your goals, it is imperative that you carve out time to plan, set goals, and assess your progress. Maybe reading that one sentence makes you shake your head, roll your eyes, or break out into a slight sweat. If that’s the case, then you’re facing overwhelm, and I’m here to tell you that creating more time in your day is possible. And it’s well worth the effort.

It doesn’t have to be that hard.

In fact, I’m going to borrow T.I.’s lyrics and promise you that, “You can have whatever you like” if you simply do the work on the front end to set yourself up for success. A little bit of effort now can bring a large amount of relief sooner than you think, and I guarantee it will make a huge impact on your life overall.

More organization results in more productivity, and more productivity results in more success.

We all have the same number of hours in a day, and there are surefire techniques, tips, and tricks that you can implement in your life to stop chasing the clock and bring more organization and productivity into your life. I can help you tame the beast!

Join my 5 Day Challenge and I will show you how you can get 10 entire hours back in your life every single week.

You read that right. 10 hours a week = 520 hours in 2017 that you did not have in 2016. Here’s how:

  • The challenge will start at 9 a.m. Eastern Time on Monday, January 9th, and we’ll work together every day until Friday.
  • Each day, I’ll send you an email with that day’s step-by-step assignment that is customizable to your unique needs. (Because you can’t fit your big dreams into someone else’s box.)
  • Then, to ensure you have all the accountability you need, I will also hop on Facebook Live every day at 12:00 pm EST (11:00 am CST, 9:00 am PST) to personally explain the assignment, mentor you and answer any questions you have. I’m 100% committed to your success!

So, what do you say? Will you commit about 20-30 minutes a day for 5 days to save 10 hours a week forever?

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