Healing The Present With The Past

Healing The Present With The Past
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The deer seen as an emblematic animal of the energy of love and harmony with oneself and others.

The deer seen as an emblematic animal of the energy of love and harmony with oneself and others.

Healing is the application of love to the places inside that hurt.

Healing by its very nature asks for us to wake up, taking the time to look within ourselves for the hard, tight walls we have used to shut ourselves in and others out. Setting out on an inner quest to clean up any addiction we may have to pain and suffering, we simultaneously support a deeper intention of wanting to feel good. By choosing to see that everything we experience in our lives as designed for us, we welcome an endless supply of compassion, kindness and unconditional love. When in emotional discomfort it seems easy to notice all the ways in which we have been wronged, the ways that life is against us. A righteous, entitled positioning often trademarked by, "I'm upset because..." Understanding wholeheartedly just how intense circumstances that pull on our heart strings can be, while also acknowledging that if my gremlins were left to their own devises, my personal outcome was predictably further pain, suffering and struggle.

Heartache, the pain and suffering, is a gateway to personal freedom.

We sometimes fear pain and anger for not knowing just what is on the other side of that pain and anger. When we consider that emotions are just energy- nothing more and nothing less- our task then is to summons compassion as we listen for any misbeliefs or judgements we bought into about ourselves or others.

Healing occurs when we move closer and feel the charge within, while offering compassionate self-forgiveness to ourselves for buying into any misbeliefs or judgments about ourselves or others. When we are responsible for ourselves in this way, by accepting the present as the point of power where love can heal our wounds, we change our experience with life forever. What if challenges were less about what can we do outside of ourselves to find peace by efforts of negotiating or compromising, and instead we realized this as an opportunity of healing? Said in a different way, when we feel triggered or ignited, there is a wound inside of ourselves seeking resolution. Realizing this, the choice becomes:

1) to react to the external challenge, ultimately perpetuating further pain and suffering or

2) take a moment to check out what is going on inside of ourselves, consequently gifting ourselves an opportunity to respond from a place of emotional accountability.

Residing in emotional accountability, we give our softer, intuitive voice a place of entrance to offer guidance and support. Consciously look for the opportunities to heal, trust that you are the silver lining.

Support yourself in asking the question: what is my soul attempting to learn from having this experience?

Know that we are all meant for a beautiful life, where that life is littered with personal integrity, personal freedom, and unconditional love for self and life. Allowing ourselves to explore, utilizing all that we experience for feedback to alignment with our intention of wanting to feel good, by continually asking what we are attempting to learn, we call less and less struggle into our lives. Self-forgiveness calms the mind and soothes the soul, by granting self permission to let go of that which no longer serves. Forgiveness softness the woe of a righteousness mindset and bridges us to personal freedom.

We all possess the inner resources necessary to navigate life's challenges and hardships with grace, as we learn how to master the art of being both determined and gentle in our approach. Ultimately, the determination and gentleness we seek to experience in life, begins with how we are towards ourselves.

Centering ourselves in love gives our life purpose and meaning, because in love, fear cannot exist.

About the Healer

Jennifer is passionately committed to serving as a nurturer, supporting others in navigating their own personal journey of healing, enlightenment and awakening. Combining her varied trainings and degrees in counseling, self-inquiry and coaching to support your unique aspirations, you are invited to unlock the passions of your heart. Learn more...

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