Here's To The Crazy Ones - 2017 New Year's Resolutions

Here's To The Crazy Ones - 2017 New Year's Resolutions
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“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

Yesterday my business partner and I wrote a final check which closed a three year saga that resulted from the re-branding of our real estate firm. When I look back on these last three years, which were the hardest of my career, I realize that I got through them by spending every spare second of my time interviewing the people with whom I identified most in the world...the crazy ones. These amazing people became my greatest advocates, my business mentors, my shoulders to lean on, and many became my closest friends. The interviews started by accident but they became as much a part of the lifeblood of my life and business as the agents and clients who choose LAER daily. This New Year for me is a new start in all aspects of my life. I step into 2017 along with an army of people who continue to change my personal perspective and thus my life every day.

When considering my resolutions for what I expect to be the best year ever of my life, I wondered what my friends, mentors, and champions who I interviewed these past few years would choose for theirs. You will find their responses are as humble, heartfelt, and diverse as the amazing humans behind them. I’ve spent the last few days reaching out and talking to those who influenced me the most these last few years and below I have shared their New Year’s Resolutions with you. If you find yourself with some time to spare this holiday weekend, please indulge by clicking on their names to learn the stories behind them. I promise you - these are the most amazing human beings in the world, at least in my humble opinion.

As for my New Years Resolutions ... well, I saved mine for last. Read through the resolutions and stories of my friends below and you’ll eventually stumble upon mine.

And to the hundreds of interviewees, and to my agents, and to my mentors, friends, and family....from the bottom of my heart, thank you. In the 991 days that slowly slid by since April 14, 2014, you were my reason for getting up, putting one foot in front of the next, until I survived...until I got by... until I thrived. There were many a day in which I would have easily given up on myself. But never, for even a second, could I give up on you for believing in me, and so I simply kept going. I am eternally grateful for you. Thank you.

Here’s to the crazy ones....

Chi Bang - Fitness Expert and Founder of Clientel3 - For 2017, my biggest resolution is to live the life I expect from others. What that means is if I expect everyone to be punctual, I should be 15 mins early. If I expect everyone to exercise consistently, I should set the example. I want my clients and friends to set lofty goals for themselves and knock em out one at a time. I'm surrounded by a bunch of overachievers and because of that, the bar is set pretty high but I know we all can push the limits a little further and continue to redefine a new frontier for achievements.

Michael BarsamianCEO of The Belgrade Group which manages Lord’s and Lady’s Hair Salon, Green Tangerine Spa & Salon’s, James Joseph Salons, Corbu, and Mizu - For 2017, my New Year’s Resolution is to keep doing more of the continue supporting the Women’s Lunch Place in Boston with complimentary hair styling services, to maintain and create new jobs in Massachusetts, to nurture my family and my good health, and to support President Elect Trump to Make America Great Again!

Maureen Binienda - Superintendent of Worcester Public Schools - My biggest New Year Resolution is to continue to work with educators, families and the community to provide the best education for the students attending the Worcester Public Schools.

Ernie Boch Jr.CEO, president, and spokesman of Boch Enterprises - To find love.

Randy Brandoff - Founder of Eleven James - I am definitely resolving to do some of the usual/expected items for 2017, including reprioritizing a healthier lifestyle (more exercise and sleep, less bad food/drink).But, I realize that my work habits would benefit from some additional flexibility and my family/relaxation time from some additional structure. This is my unique 2017 resolution.

Tony Capasso - Founder Construction Automation & Partner at Universal Foundations - My resolution is to be able to ignore the daily distractions and focus myself 100% on things that matter.

Michael Carucci EVP Gibson Sotheby’s - To continue with the success's of 2016 and to bring The Carucci Group of Gibson Sotheby's to the next level in the luxury real estate markets.

Jessie Chris - Disney Radio Recording Artist - Jessie's is living a healthier lifestyle when on the road by working harder to go to bed earlier and eating healthier so that she has more energy and is friendlier to her manager on days he makes her get up early.

Dr. Ulrik Christensen - Entrepreneur, Investor, and Pioneer of Adaptive Learning Technologies - My New Year's resolution every year is the same: Confront the brutal facts throughout the year and do something about what needs to be addressed - don't wait until next year.

Holly Daniels Christensen - Founder and CEO of Dune Jewelry - I’m choosing to spend more quality time with my family and be a better role model for my daughters. I’ll continue to use love as a motivator and when people tell me I’m “too nice” when it comes to business, I’ll tell them that I’m okay with that as opposed to my normal response of “I know, I’m working on it” (like it’s a flaw). I’ll dream bigger and do more because that’s what excites me every day when I wake up…BUT I’ll do it with more thought using analytics and data instead of my “gut” instincts. Lastly, I’ll put my health and wellness first, because none of this matters unless I’m physically & mentally healthy enough to be here to see my daughters grow up. I’m going to choose me this year.

Barry Clifford - Modern Day Jacques Cousteau - Santa Maria: Save the historic record of "the vessel that made possible the discovery of the New World" from UNESCO corruption. Never Give Up !

Barbara Corcoran - Businesswoman, investor, speaker, consultant, syndicated columnist, author, and television personality on Shark Tank - I’ve decided to put joy first and made a thoughtful list of all the people in my life I like best but don't see often enough. I’ve set aside the first Monday night of every month to have them all to dinner. Groups of 6, only people who know how to laugh.

Eli Crane - Founder and CEO of Bottle Breacher - Be more bold walking in faith and striving to get outside my comfort zone in all aspects of my life. Make a bigger impact and be more of a blessing and inspiration to those in my life. Do a better job feeding the young men I mentor and making those relationships a bigger priority. Continue to grow my business and my brand and bring more jobs and manufacturing to my local community. Continue to use my platform to inspire patriotism, conservatism and an overall love for this country.

Dan Cummings - Founder of Journey Forward - My New Year’s resolution is to take 100 steps without the assistance of a walker. I am currently at 14 steps.

Cleon Daskalaskis - Founder and CEO of Celebrity Marketing and Celebrities for Charity - I am going to “Focus on the positive” and here is why. Matt Wetherbee worked for me at Celebrity Marketing and Celebrities for Charity for seven years. On Tuesday, June 7, 2016 he had a basketball accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down. At 28 years old on the cusp of getting engaged Matt was at Mass General fighting for his life. Matt was my right hand, he was Ray Bourque’s as well. Just weeks after his accident I went to see Matt at Mass General ICU. He was in very tough shape. As he laid there motionless, I started to tell him about what was going on at work. I was struggling with one particular incident and intensely expressed my anger and frustrations on the matter. Matt looked at me, his eyes barely open, unable to make a sound because of the trach down his throat. His mouth foaming a bit as he tries with all his energy for me to understand what he is trying to mouth to me. Finally on my 4th or 5th lip reading I finally get It. I say out loud excitedly like I was playing a board game with a friend, "Focus on the positive!" Matt completely closes his eyes with a look of satisfaction on his face. He slightly nods his head up and down as I repeat slowly processing every word, "Focus on the positive". 25 days with no movement in his arms and legs, no guarantee he will ever regain any use of either, tubes stuck down his throat and months if not years of rehabilitation in front of him. "Focus on the Positive" I rubbed his head and said "I will Matt, get some sleep.""Focus on the Positive"Please take the time to donate to Matt’s road to recover go to: And “Focus on the Positive”

Giovanni DeCuntoGlobal Expressionist - Integrate, escalate, moderate every fiber of my being with health, wealth, and power toward effective change and accountability.

Shanna Dickerson - Founder and CEO of Blue Sky Luxury Concierge - To continue expanding the business by partnering with exclusive luxury brands and destinations. The more we can help clients with planning incredible travel experiences the happier we are! At Blue Sky the sky is the limit!

Rosemary Farina - Founder and CEO of Signature Staffing - I think my biggest new year’s resolution is to be open to the possibilities.When I look at my life a lot of unforeseen things have happened. I think being open to whatever comes one’s way can have unimaginable possibilities. If one can turn a situation into something positive regardless of its initial impact, a whole new world can appear.Taking Signature Staffing Inc., to new levels a willingness to not be afraid to try new and different ways of doing things. Just being open and trusting the universe.

Joe Fitzpatrick - Co-founder of New England Sports Village - To spend more time cultivating my spiritual life vs. My professional life.

Sergio Garcia - Co-founder of UR Business Network - My ongoing resolution is to keep my North Star. You may need to navigate and pivot, but knowing what your North Star is, will keep you on course.

Scott Grimes - Actor featured in ER, Band of Brothers, American Dad!, etc. - Mine is pretty lame and kind of stolen from one of my favorite movies "city slickers". I'm going to do everything better. Just step up my kindness and be less of a flake. Oh, and do my best to stop eating Oreos in the middle of the night.

Marc Harris - Founder and Visionary of Marc Harris Salons - In business, “to not merely evolve but to also invent”! Personally, “to demonstrate far more often my great appreciation for those I love”

Jeffrey Hayzlett - Primetime Radio & TV Host, Best-selling Author, Global Business Celebrity - To delegate more and inspire my team to act more on their own. It’s a tendency to do it all yourself but a better mark of leadership is to get the others to succeed at doing it for you!

Laurie Halloran - Founder and CEO Halloran Consulting Group - Much like the donations on our new VP's behalf to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU I've made, I'm ramping up voting with my personal and my company's actions on social and environmental responsibility.

Dr. Christopher L. Johnson - Celebrity Plastic Surgeon - My New Year's Resolution for 2017 is to laugh my way through the first year of this bizarre, new Presidency. Finding the humor in the odd, the eccentric, or even the sad things that happen in life is a powerful survival technique.

Aaron Kaufman - Movie Producer and Director, Urge, Flock of Dudes, etc - I will stop clicking on links to find out what the cast of "Boy Meets World" looks like now. I will stop saying I drink cold press juice when I really mean wine and will stop referring to opening the door for the seamless delivery guy as, "cardio".

Joyce Lebedew - Founder and CEO of Joyce Lebedew Real Estate - To inspire and reinvent myself!

Dr. Bob Leonard - Founder and CEO of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates - It is to be more understanding and patient with others as I have gone through a couple of very trying situations in 2016, which, due to others' patience and understanding, they worked out beautifully!

Jimmy Liang - Restaurateur, Sushi Artist, and Founder of JP Fuji Group - "Focus on maintaining the business and expanding the educational program for my employees, beyond ESOL, and into financial planning. I want to provide them with the proper knowledge and resources pertaining to home-buying and credit-building so that they too can contribute to bettering the communities that house my businesses."

Stacey Lucchino - World Changer - I resolve not to jinx my resolution by not resolving to: clean out closets, eat more healthfully, do more yoga, write timely thank you notes and of course lose weight... Instead, I will resolve something more needed, far reaching and attainable: to be more kind. Wave rather than honk, say hello rather than avert my eyes, let someone in rather than cut him/her off, hold the door, stop and pet the passing dog, include someone who is often excluded, pick up a piece of litter, offer a compliment to a stranger, give a gift card to a homeless person, check in on someone who is lonely or sad, cut myself a break...put it in writing so I won't forget.

Bopha Malone - Regional Business Advisor & Advocate for Girls Inc. - In 2017, my biggest New Year's resolution is to make a bigger impact with young people, especially young women here and in Cambodia, to help them gain access to education and to inspire them to have the courage and confidence to reach their full potential.

Dave McGillivray - Author, Speaker, Marathoner, & Race Director of The Boston Marathon - My New Year’s resolution for 2017 is not to make any resolutions, so by making this resolution I guess you could say I already broke my resolution so I might as well go ahead and make other resolutions that I can break. Ha. Another resolution is to open up a gym called RESOLUTIONS…it will have exercise equipment for the first month and then turn into a bar for the next 11 months! My real resolution is to invent the 36 hour day as 24 just doesn’t do it for me. And, my final resolution is to be less sarcastic!

Michael Maher - Author, Speaker, Coach, World Changer - 2017: I resolve to lose 5 pounds per month for the first 10 months of 2017 and be at least 50 pounds lighter than I am today by 12/31/2017. More than a resolution, this is my Health Goal. It goes with my Health Plan. Health Plan includes getting professional help in places I needed it: Nutrition, Meals, Exercise, Recovery. I have submitted to the idea that I will need a Health Coach for the rest of my life. I know what to do, I just need to pay for accountability or have someone hold me accountable. Nutrition: I will have a nutritionist by 1-2-2017 (interviewing now). I will have my meals prepared and delivered to the house on a weekly basis - focus will be on low sugar, low gluten, low carbs, high protein, moderate fat, high taste/flavor/spice. Limiting to almost none: Alcohol, Bread, Sugar. Exercise: I have a personal trainer - hired and using since November. I am going from pure strength training (a strength of mine) to a Functional Fitness Approach: Balance, Strength, Endurance, Speed, and Flexibility. Strengths: Balance, Strength, Endurance. Weaknesses: Speed and Flexibility (and weight). Workouts will include HIIT and be followed with extensive stretching. (Note to self: Need a full body stretching routine.)Recovery: I go to chiro once every other week. I will get a massage every month with this possibly going to two massages a month. I will add an hour to my sleep ritual which was 5 hours. Now getting up at 5:55 instead of 4:44. I was in denial all year about a lack of sleep and being overworked, but my waistline was all the proof I needed. Part of this is a re-dedication to getting a Meditation Mentor or Coach. I love meditation. I do it, but I want to master meditation as part of my Health Plan. There is a place to go deep inside me that I haven't reached yet and I'm not sure I can get there on my own. I don't go into anything casually. :) Sorry.

Dr. Thomas McGovernPresident of Fisher College - To be more grateful, and show a greater appreciation, for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on me.

Marc Megna - Body builder, pro-football player, writer, model, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, trainer, and founder of Anatomy at 1220 in Miami - A. To become a world class listener. Less talking and spend more time processing information received. B. I'm blessed to be in the position of life I'm currently in. I have the ability to help my loved ones and TEAM at my training center. I want to assist them all in following through on their dreams and goals. So many people contributed to my dreams and goals to get me where I am. I'm not a self made man at all. I had lots of help. I only wish to invest in the people who've believed in me and pay it to my close circle.

Geoff Meyerson - Founder and CEO of Locust Walk - I resolve to think bigger than ever before. I realized that setting moderate and achievable goals leads to moderate and incremental results. If I shoot for some big goals, even over a longer time horizon, I have a greater probability of achieving them. Think big in 2017!

Bruce Mittman - Founder and CEO of Mittcom and Global Radio Station Tycoon - Try and enjoy the ride!

Charlie Moore, The Mad Fisherman - TV Sports Personality - My biggest and only New Year’s resolution for 2017 is as follows....To get even more outside my comfort zone. We tend get so complacent in our everyday lives. I would like to eat in new unfamiliar restaurants and try different types of foods . Travel to a few new locations to explore, fish and film in a random and new location . 2017 should bring much happiness, but a few changes in my routine are definitely in store! I tend to bore very easy.. Happy new year and Cheers to 2017. Make it count!!

Jim Morrison - Journalist - In 2017, I am resolved to try to make better use of my time. We don’t get very much of it on this earth and I want to use mine thoughtfully and purposefully. More facetime, less Facebook.

Tracey Noonan - Co-founder of Wicked Good Cupcakes - As we enter our 5th year in business, we’ve decided to take a step back and really focus on our core competencies. We want to be certain that we don’t overwhelm ourselves with new initiatives if we haven’t yet perfected the things we do best. As we all know, there is always room for improvement! Our main focuses will be on maintaining product quality and consistency as well as providing stellar customer service and brand loyalty. A happy customer is your best marketing tool!

Andrew O’Brien - The Publicity Guy - My new years resolution is to change my business to be 80% passive income and 20% service based income. Right now, my business is the exact opposite.. 80% service and 20% passive. The reason behind that is because I want more time with my family as my kids are getting older. I want to take them to travel around the world and see places and make memories I missed out on as a child. I want to give them the life I always craved as a kid. The whole reason I'm an Entrepreneur is not just for myself, but it's also for my family. I don't want to work my life away for some crappy retirement when I'm in my 60's and the kids are already grown and have their own families.

Peter Palandjian - CEO of Intercontinental Real Estate Corporation - My New Year's resolution is to very consciously be "in the moment" and totally present in all meetings and in all conversations with people and in all interactions in general.

Todd Buster Paris - Boxing Instructor and Owner of Lucky Punch Boxing - My resolution for 2017 is to be more in the mindset that "today is that special day" -- I was getting dressed the other day and saw my special shirt - the one that I'm saving for special occasions ... and I realized I never wear it ... same with my favorite cologne or that book in my Amazon wish list that I'm saving for that dream vacation that I'm not taking - anyway - my resolution for this year is to know that today is that special day and that now is that special occasion - plus I'll be better as I read some really cool books

Bruce Percelay - Chairman & Founder of The Mount Vernon Company - Play less with my business and more with my boys.

Angela Peri - Founder and CEO of Boston Casting - My New Year’s Resolution for 2017 is to work as if its my first year in business! I want to reconnect with clients , come up with innovative ideas, and give the biz a fresh start! When your in biz for a few decades you forget how important it is to keep it “Fresh”.

Erik Søndergaard PoulsenCo-founder and CEO of Cortrium - 10 minutes of meditation every day.

Lindsay Reilly - Founder and CEO of Lindsay Tia - 2017 is going to be a year for change. For 2017 one of my biggest goal's is to experience new places, new people, more adventure, and just focusing on experiencing life. Working non-stop everyday you forget the beautiful places and people you can meet. This year I'm going to create memories! Life passes by so quickly and I’m going to do my best to enjoy life a little bit more.

Erik Rueda - Founder Erik Rueda Design Lab - Rather than a resolution, I have a word chosen for 2017 to guide my actions. Last year's was discipline. This year's is reap. After nearly 10 years of pouring everything into my businesses.....I finally want to reap the rewards. Enjoy the fruits. Share the harvest.

Peter Reynolds - Author/Illustrator of the children's books The Dot, Ish, The North Star, So Few of Me, My Very Big Little World, and The Best Kid - My New Year's Resolution: I want to slow down and hear myself think the way I did ten years ago before the techno-barrage sideswiped me. Hearing myself leads to my best ideas and to remembering what's really important. Time scribbling new book, film, TV ideas in my journals. Reading aloud to my 6 year old. A trip to New York with my 30 year old. Family dinners. Painting just for me.

Dr. Joseph Russo - Award Winning Plastic Surgeon - In 2017, I resolve to provide patients with the ultimate destination to fulfill all of their cosmetic needs in the Boston area. With the changes we are now making, my Newton practice will include an accredited plastic surgery center. My resolution is to offer the latest injectable techniques, most innovative medical aesthetic treatments, the most effective laser services, and the most comprehensive care by myself and my team, all under one roof. Resolved!!

David Southworth - President and CEO of Southworth Development - Although I don’t typically make a specific New Year’s Resolution – I was thinking about the new year the other day. My thoughts included – how fortunate I feel about my life including my 4 sons, my girlfriend and my work, and I as looked towards 2017, my goals are to make some specific improvements to our company, help people as much as I can and savor every moment with my family.

Casey Sherman - Author, Journalist, Screenwriter - My resolution for 2017 is to dedicate more time and effort to the art of writing. 2016 was a whirlwind of movie premieres and attention to my work on The Finest Hours and Patriots Day. As exciting as this was, the activity pulled me away from what I do best and truly have a passion for - which is to write good prose and share compelling stories. So I plan to spend less time on the cocktail party circuit and more time at my writing desk where the real work gets done.

Michael Selletto - Owner of The Fairy Shop - I am open & receptive to being in the most wonderful, harmonious, loving relationship

Noelle Spinosa - Owner of Noelle Salon - My biggest New Year's Resolution is to "grow a thicker skin" in business and my personal life. I am passionate about all I do, but at times it can take one negative comment to throw me of course. I resolve myself to the fact that not every thing you do is perfect and criticism is merely part of growing. Therefore, my resolution is to lighten up!

Michael Szabados - Chief Operating Officer of NetScout - By the end of this year I want to understand more of the connections that form the fabric of my reality; I want to shed as much of my mis-perceptions, superficiality, and prejudice as possible and deepen my insight into our existence, while knowing all too well this is a futile ambition. Still, with a very finite number of years in the budget, what could be more important?

Cindy Stumpo - Founder and CEO of C. Stumpo Development - Get mentally healthy to be able to take my 27 year female owned construction company to the next stage. Big question how to get mentally healthy? Stop worrying what you can't stop. Worry about it when it hits you. Because I worry about everything and everybody.Most of all !!! Stay on my potion that I have come up with that I have made for myself that starts with a base of Manuka honey. The other ingredients are my secret lol..Last... Stop being a helicopter mom. Let my young adult children start to figure it out on their own. Mommy is exhausted.. Lol Time to put our hands up and say figure it out. Like I had to do. Ok sounds good, now let's see if I can follow through lol!!!

Sarah Thomas - Actress, Writer, Film Director - My work schedule is often hectic and involves a lot of cross country travel, so my 2017 resolution is to live in the moment more and celebrate the precious little things in life from a home cooked meal with family, to reading a book to my son, to enjoying a meditative yoga class.

Lee Turner - Musician and Founder of 2Twenty2.Studio - I'm writing this from Haiti while on a soles 4 souls trip with Tiffany! :)We will be at a church here when the new year is rung in. So it would only be appropriate that my New Years resolution would be to spread more gratitude and kindness to my fellow man and do more service work.

Nick Varano - Owner of Strega North End, NICO, Strega Waterfront, Strega Prime, Strip By Strega, and Caffe Strega - To continue to grow as a business leader and to help teach people who started out like me, with only a dream, to turn their own into a reality. To be the best I can be and to help as many people as I can become the best they can be. I believe it paying it forward and that is what I want to do more of in 2017. PS – and start going to the gym lol!

Jim Wilde - Executive Director Merrimack Valley Housing Partnership - After losing a good friend this year to a premature death, my resolution is to take two big trips per year instead of one. I realize that life is precious and I have many locations in the world that are on my list.

Arthur Winn - Founder of WinnCompanies - To watch my son Gilbert take Winn Development to another level and to spend more time with my children and grandchildren.

Stacey Alcorn - As for me, my resolution is to listen to my heart more and my head less. I will continue to obsessively chase and befriend people who reach for massive dreams. I will travel to places I’ve never been (Nevis and Paris are already booked!), and I will live a life of extreme love. I resolve to to shut out the voices of those who don’t believe in my personal journey to make room for the voices of those who support me regardless. I will live in constant gratitude, will realize that challenges are nothing more than divine detours, and I will forgive those who pass judgment on me and set an example for others by doing my best to live a life of non-judgment. I will continue to study Buddhism. I will meditate daily. I will trust that the universe has a divine destiny for me and I will keep seeking signs that I am moving in the right direction...toward the greatest version of myself. I will obsess less about my weight and more about being a better friend to those around me. I will wake up daily serving my life’s purpose. And I will finish my next book, which will be my most important work thus far.

To a healthy, productive New Year filled with love and peace....

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