How the Apple Analogy Wakes You Up to What It Takes to Become a Successful Blogger

How the Apple Analogy Wakes You Up to What It Takes to Become a Successful Blogger
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How ‘bout dem apples?

Hey; where the hell are the apples?

You should be apple picking by now. By the bushel. But no apples.


No apple trees. No apples. No apple seeds. No apple trees. No apples.

How in the hell can you expect to pick apples if you do not plant apple seeds in the first place?

A farmer would seem beyond insane if they expected to pick apples without planting apple seeds, because planting apple seeds in the ground is how the process starts.

Bloggers who do not bother planting seeds are just as bat shit insane, and downright delusional, if they expect to become full time, pro bloggers, without first seeding the grounds.

The Apple Analogy

Imagine an apple farmer.

Said farmer plants apple seeds. But not at any time of the year. Apple farmers know to plant seeds during the proper season, for optimal growing.

After planting apple seeds during the right season, in the right spot, said seeds are watered and receive optimal sun. Or else, without the right combo of water and sun, the seeds die, and you have no apples. But getting sun and water is not enough; farmers ensure the soil is properly fertilized, to promote the seed growth.

Eventually the seed expands. The first shoots poke through the ground. The beginnings of a tree. Ever so humble though, because the tree’s growth is slow, and steady, being in alignment with the slow and steady exposure to sun and water.

Season after season passes. The tree grows. Not time to yield apples though; that comes later.

The farmer is eternally patient. Sun, water, growth.

After 6 to 10 years of growing, and watering, and sun, an apple tree can bear apples. 6 to 10 years. Not 6 to 10 minutes. Not 6 to 10 seconds. But 6 to 10 years.

After seeing three 7 figure bloggers and one 8 figure blogger speak at an internet marketing conference earlier this year I found out that guys who make 5 or 10 million dollars through blogging typically spend 5 to 10 years - or longer - watering, and growing, and getting sun, and growing, through creating helpful content, building bonds with blogging leaders, and also, monetizing their blogs effective, before millions of dollars flow in.

You can begin earning 10 or 20 bucks or maybe 100 dollars within months. You may become a full time, pro blogger in 2-3 years. But the millions are made over 5 years or longer, in virtually all cases, because the amount of creating and connecting and clarity-finding bloggers must do spans that period of time.

This blogging bit takes not only time, but it takes doing the right, generous things backed with the right, generous energy for a sustained period of time to yield stunning results.

Full time pro bloggers may not need to learn, study, practice, create and connect for 10 years to become a full timer. But you betcha that 2-3 year window of daily work, persistently applied, is what it really takes to become a successful, established, pro blogger.

Shining Examples

Alonzo Pichardo is a prime example of someone who became highly successful after year’s worth of service.

He is a full time online entrepreneur. A pro’s pro. His videos on YouTube generate tens of thousands of views.

How did he become so successful? He spent 10 years serving people generously and building strong connections with people to build a successful business. Meaning, some 10 years ago, he planted an apple seed. Over years he watered the seed and made sure the seed received enough sun, ensuring the soil was properly fertilized, all through his learning, his generous service and his persistence in assisting people over a decade of his life.

Lilach Bullock is another inspired example of the power of persistence. She has also spent nearly a decade online building a thriving online business as a social media authority and lead generating pro doing the right things with a generous, giving energy.

No Seed No Apples

You cannot expect to make money online unless you learn blogging from top blogging pros. You cannot expect to make money blogging unless you:

  • apply what you learned through persistent practice
  • buy your domain and hosting
  • help people generously, for free, through your blog, email, social media and niche specific forums
  • connect with leaders in your niche by helping them out as much as possible without looking for anything in return
  • monetize your passions, but then, work these streams with a strong sense of detachment

Plant the seed by learning how to build a blogging business from pros. Then begin to water the seed and give it ample sun by following the tips shared in the above bullet points. With daily care, mindfully nurturing the seed, you will have your apple tree, then apples, after years of generous work. Ditto for your blogging profits and pro blogging career; put in mindful, generous work 5-7 days a week, for years, and you will have your stunning blogging success.

The eBook

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