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So often we are out of alignment with who we really are and what we are meant to do in life.

What do I mean by that?

Our knowing self wants to go in one direction, but our practical self overrides our desires and takes us where it is safe and secure and not necessarily where we are meant to be.

We need to shift from head to heart when it comes to finding happiness and doing what we are meant to do in life.

In my book FROM DRIFT TO SHIFT: HOW CHANGE CAN BRING TRUE MEANING AND HAPPINESS TO YOUR WORK AND LIFE (due out in 2017), I interview some amazing people who have decided to listen to their heart in order to push through challenges, overcome what their head is telling them and make the shifts they needed to make in order to fully enjoy life and all its rewards.

People like Venture Capitalists, CEOs, Wellness Coaches and Artists, among others. Not only have they overcome personal challenges; they have dealt with ongoing roadblocks that we all face every day.


oWe criticize ourselves
oWe don't praise ourselves
oWe sabotage our success because we don't believe we deserve it
oWe look for the bad instead of the good
oWe complain rather than appreciate
oWe let life happen to us instead of for us

Does any of this sound familiar?

I have been a Television Executive, Producer, Investment Banker, Executive Recruiter, Consultant and Author. And no, I do not have ADHD.

I have loved every roller coaster ride; all of which have given me experience and knowledge that I apply to everything I do professionally and personally.

I have failed, succeeded and taken huge risks. Not everything went in the direction I thought I wanted, but when I stopped trying to control that direction, life actually started to flow for me.

  • I wanted to work in television, so I put my Resume under every General Manager's door at the NAB Conference in Vegas at 22 years old.
  • I wanted to work for a major television network, so I approached the CEO of one of the big three at an advertising event in New York City and told him I would be working for him. I was working there three months later.
  • I had an idea for a start-up so I wrote a Business Plan, hired a Board of Directors and pitched it to every Venture Capitalist in Silicon Valley who would listen to me.
  • I wanted to do Strategic Consulting about the convergence of media and technology, which my start-up led me to; so I approached Fortune 100 Corporations and got hired.
  • I wanted to become an Investment Banker in the media/technology space and so I found a small firm to give me a shot. Then a bigger one called and I opened their first SF office.
  • I wanted to raise my kids and stay in the corporate world, so after taking time off to write my first book, I started an Executive Search practice.

I have written several books since, helped thousands find their dream job and have learned so much along the way.

Now I write most of the time and help companies create innovative ways to keep their employees engaged so that they don't leave. I still help job seekers find their dream job, but on more of a mass basis now.

I am having a blast and so should you!

Here is some of what I practice. I promise you it works!

  • Don't criticize yourself.
  • Don't listen to criticism.
  • Say something nice to yourself every day. Say it often.
  • Believe in you. You are unique. Your gifts are like no other person on this planet. You are perfect exactly as you are.
  • Stop trying to control the details. The details fill in when you just put the desire out there and go with the flow.
  • Chill out, but don't ever give up.
  • Watch for the signs that make your path to success natural and easy.
  • Appreciate everything - even the purported bad.
  • Let life happen for you. You deserve a life of greatness!

In order to align yourself for success, keep these additional thoughts and practices at the forefront of your mind.

  • Those at the top are just like you and me.
  • You have the ability to do, be and have whatever you want in life.
  • If you do nothing else today, do one thing you enjoy completely.
  • Go for it. Take risks. Stop worrying what others thinks.
  • Do one thing every day that moves the ball down the field. Make sure it flows. Don't force it.
  • Laughter is your friend. Find time to laugh and enjoy.
And the best secret of all!
  • Life should not be hard. Don't make it hard!

Now go live the life and do the work that you are meant to!

Jody B. Miller is the CEO of C2C Executive Search & Strategic Management and is a Published Author. She writes about what we think about but don't always talk about. She also writes fiction, articles for The Huffington Post and LinkedIn and speaks about finding meaning and happiness in work and in life. You can read more about her at: and can pre-order a signed copy of her 2017 book, FROM DRIFT TO SHIFT. And if you are seeking your dream job in 2017, for a limited time, you can download HIRED! IN 2017 for FREE.

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