Hundreds Protest Palin Troopergate Stalling In Alaska

Hundreds Protest Palin Troopergate Stalling In Alaska

The Anchorage Daily News reports:

A protest rally blasting Gov. Sarah Palin's handling of the state's so-called troopergate investigation -- and calling for the attorney general to resign -- drew 1,000 or more people in Anchorage on Saturday.

Protesters chanted "Recall Palin!" as organizers told the crowd to push state legislators to keep after their investigation into the governor's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

AKMuckraker has a firsthand account and says there were over 1500 protesters:

After an hour or so, we were all called to the main stage to hear the speakers. It was difficult to pull ourselves away from the road. There was an incredible amount of support from honking cars, and drivers waving and giving "thumbs up". There were amazing signs. There were pitbull masks. There was a guy dressed like Richard Nixon. There were live chickens. Yes, a woman had a cage of live chickens beneath her sign that read, "Sarah, Don't Chicken Out!"


The speakers were great. CC from KUDO radio, Shannyn Moore from Air America, Ron Devon reading a letter of support from Rep. Les Gara who was out of state, Libby Roderick, local folk singing legend, John Cyr, head of the troopers' union, and many more. The greatest of all was the final speaker - Walt Monegan's Mom. She stood up, obviously emotional, and thanked the crowd for their support. "I never knew so many people loved Walt," she said, her voice quivering a little. She talked about her son, and that he was a good man. "I'm going to cry......I don't know what else to say but, thank you!" She sat down again, and mopped her eyes, and the crowd went wild.

Shannyn Moore has pictures (and song):

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