'The Hunger Games': Books To Tide You Over Until The Movie Premiere

Books To Tide You Over Until 'The Hunger Games' Movies

Shortness of breath. Racing heartbeat. An inability to acknowledge that the series is actually over. Pre-ordering movie tickets a month in advance (they go on sale today!). These are all symptoms one might experience after finishing the Hunger Games trilogy. Over at the YA blog Forever Young Adult, TEABS (The End of an Awesome Book Syndrome) is a serious condition that can be remedied only by starting a new, equally satisfying book. Fortunately, the young adult genre is teeming with dystopian adventures that will tide you over until the first Hunger Games film hits theaters in March, though these books are just as likely to cause TEABS as they are to cure it. May the odds be ever in your favor!

Sarah Pitre lives in Austin, TX, where she spreads the gospel of YA and champ cans. Unlike Fred Savage, she totally loves kissing books.Read more at Bookish

TEABS Symptom: You are endlessly searching for a heroine that can stand up to Katniss.


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