Jenny Sanford Dating Clay Boardman, Georgia Businessman: We're 'Getting Along Beautifully'

Jenny Sanford Dating Clay Boardman, Georgia Businessman: We're 'Getting Along Beautifully'

SULLIVAN'S ISLAND (Associated Press) -- Divorced former South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford confirms that she's dating a Georgia businessman whose coastal vacation home is a few doors down from hers.

Sanford on Wednesday told The Associated Press she met Clay Boardman when he attended a speech she gave at the College of Charleston on March 17.

The two have gone out in Charleston and also attended The Masters in Augusta last weekend.

Sanford says she and Boardman are "getting along beautifully."

The Augusta Chronicle first reported that the two were dating.

Sanford's divorce from South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford became final last month. The pair split after the governor disappeared last summer and returned to reveal he had an affair with an Argentine woman.

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