Joe the Plumber, Obama and McCain

Wow, I never thought a presidential discussion would get me thinking so much about my toilet.
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Wow, I never thought a presidential discussion would get me thinking so much about my toilet. It's safe to say that Joe the Plumber is the BFF of this third and final presidential debate, the best of the three and very well moderated by CBS News' Bob Schieffer. John McCain will soon shut down his operations and head back to the U.S. Senate while Barack Obama will be moving in January 2009 from Capitol Hill to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The jury is still out how the brilliant campaigner, fundraiser and orator Obama will be able to handle actually governing the country as the leader of the free world. Has Obama set the presidential expectations bar too high? Certainly. But he has an added wave of global public goodwill to ride his First 100 Days and maybe even six months or more after his swearing in as the 44th president of the United States.

I'm happy to see that Senator McCain showed some energy this time. It may have been because he was seated. McCain's performance has at least given the American electorate a choice, albeit not the final choice that will be made on Tuesday, November 4th.

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