John Oliver Just Uncovered Trump's Worst Movie Role

The "Last Week Tonight" host also exposes the president's biggest unfulfilled promise.

President Donald Trump has had minor roles in a number of films, but “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver may have found the worst of the lot.

Trump won a “worst supporting actor” Razzie Award in 1991 for his performance in “Ghosts Can’t Do It.” Oliver then shared a scene from the film that featured Trump making a “kissy face,” which led to this reaction:

“That kissy face is the single most disgusting thing that’s ever been in a movie ― and I’m very much including ‘The Human Centipede,’” Oliver said.

But Oliver didn’t spend his segment looking at Trump’s failed attempt at a film career. Instead, he focused on the president’s failed attempt to fulfill his 2016 campaign promise to “drain the swamp.”

“It won’t remotely surprise you to know that he has not drained the swamp even one little bit,” Oliver said before listing some of the industry insiders who’ve joined the Trump administration.

See his full takedown in the segment above.

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