John Oliver Talks 'Daily Show' Election Coverage, His 'New York Stand-Up Show' & Aol's Funky Mural (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE: John Oliver Promises To 'Mock America's Democratic Process At Its Source'

John Oliver has made his mark on "The Daily Show" as the Senior British Correspondent, often adding some much-needed outside perspective on this crazy American political system of ours.

For example, he's harnessed the power of Herman Cain, taken on the President, brilliantly skewered Rick Santorum, and just last week he convinced us that Mitt Romney may be the most interesting man in the world.

Now, in the above interview recorded at the Aol/Huffington Post HQ in New York, Oliver promises to mock our hyperbolic, year-and-a-half long election to its face when "The Daily Show" airs from the Democratic National Convention this fall.

"We will make fun of them," Oliver said. "That is a promise that I can give you, and I think I can live up to that promise. We will take America's democratic process and we will mock it at its source."

Oliver also gives us his take on the election so far, explains why so many people he interviews on "The Daily Show" don't realize they're being mocked (just blame our inherent, misplaced respect for TV) and tells us what's in store this season on "John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show."

Watch the full interview above (make sure to stay tuned until the end when the conversation devolves into a series of jokes about a mural at the end of the hallway) and tune into "John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show" Fridays at 11:00/10:00 central on Comedy Central.

Video produced by Carol Hartsell

WATCH: A promo for "John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show" featuring Wyatt Cenac

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