<em>30 Rock's</em> Judah Friedlander Is World Champion

You've got to admire the man who, having reached the highest pinnacles of human achievement, still finds it within himself to make the occasional descent and spend time with us lesser mortals.
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2011-12-15-hsStandup_410.jpgYou've got to admire the man who, having reached the highest pinnacles of human achievement, still finds it within himself to make the occasional descent and spend time with us lesser mortals. God knows, comedian and actor Judah Friedlander doesn't need to bother with our petty activities; as universally acknowledged World Champion, he exists on a more exalted plane. Yet he has deigned this year to once again make regular day trips out to Queens, New York, where he graces the set of NBC's 30 Rock in his role as sketch writer (and trucker hat model) Frank Rossitano. One can only hope his castmates appreciate the effort.

Having engaged in my own, life-long quest for personal excellence, I had to find out what the world is like once one is bestowed with the highest of accolades. Judah was gracious enough to give me a glimpse into his illustrious existence, as well as discuss how it led to the creation of his book, How to Beat Up Anybody. Click on the player to hear the interview.


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