Judy Rickard On DOMA Ruling: 'I Finally Feel Like A Full American' (VIDEO)

DOMA Reaction: 'I Finally Feel Like A Full American'

One class of people uniquely affected by Wednesday's historic Supreme Court DOMA ruling is gay people in binational relationships — i.e. those for whom federally-recognized same-sex marriages could mean the difference between being able to stay together in the United States or being forced apart.

Judy Rickard, outspoken LGBT activist and author of Torn Apart: United By Love, Divided By Law, joined HuffPost Live host Mike Sacks Wednesday to share her reaction, proclaiming, "I finally feel like a full American."

Rickard and her wife -- self-proclaimed "prisoners of love" -- have been dealing with both domestic and international legal issues as they have fought for the recognition of their binational same-sex marriage. Now that DOMA has been knocked down, Rickard says, "We are not going to be torn apart once Karin gets her Green Card."

"As soon as we get that Green Card in her hand, we are in charge of our lives again. And that feels great," she added

Rickard said she is eager to learn about all of the 1,138 rights and responsibilities that the federal government now grants to same-sex couples.

"I'm an old broad and I have to learn new things," she said.

Watch the full segment below:

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