Famous Album Covers Recreated Using Kittens (PHOTOS)

LOOK: Famous Album Covers Recreated With Kittens

Kittens rock.

Quite literally.

Musician Alfra Martini's 'Kitten Covers' Tumblr is dedicated to recreating famous album covers using cats.

In an interview with Humor In America, Martini explained the idea:

I was just thinking David Bowie as a kitten… I must see David Bowie as a kitten. Could I do it? Did I have the photoshopping skills? I abandoned my “work task”, crawled out of bed, and started up the desktop. The rest is mainly just technical.

Below, check out some of the original albums compared to their kitty counterparts. Hopefully the fast lifestyle isn't making them lose any of their nine lives.

The Ramones
kitten covers ramones kitten ramones album cover

kitten covers nirvana nirvana cover kitten

Simon and Garfunkel
kitten covers simon simon garfunkel kitten

Pink Floyd
pink floyd kitten kitten floyd cover

The Beatles
beatles kitten cover beatles cover kittens

kitten covers blondie blondie kitten cover

Grease Soundtrack
kitten covers grease grease kitten album cover

David Bowie
kitten covers david bowie david bowie cover kitten

For more, check out the slideshow below and visit Kitten Covers on Tumblr.

Before You Go

Kitten Covers

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