McCain Forgets Canada In Obama Attack

McCain Forgets Canada In Obama Attack

In an interview with NBC's Kelly O'Donnell airing tonight, John McCain questioned Barack Obama's decision to give a speech in Berlin while he's still a candidate. But MSNBC points out that he's forgetting a recent speech of his own:

"I would rather speak at a rally or a political gathering any place outside of the country after I am president of the United States," McCain told O'Donnell. "But that's a judgment that Sen. Obama and the American people will make."

However, on June 20, McCain himself gave a speech in Canada -- to the Economic Club of Canada -- in which he applauded NAFTA's successes. An implicit message behind that speech was that Obama had been critical of the trade accord. Also, McCain's trip to Canada was paid for by the campaign.

In fact, an ambassador's role in organizing McCain's speech led some Democrats to argue that he was violating the Hatch Act.

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