Michael Bennet, Joe Trippi Trade Blows On David Sirota's AM 760 Show

Michael Bennet, Joe Trippi Trade Blows On David Sirota's AM 760 Show

Tuesday night's debate between Democratic Senate candidates Michael Bennet and Andrew Romanoff may have seemed placid, but the war of words between Bennet and Romanoff strategist Joe Trippi heated up Wednesday morning.

Appearing separately on David Sirota's AM 760 morning show, Trippi and Bennet traded barbs over what continues to be Romanoff's primary line of attack: Michael Bennet's prolific fundraising.

When asked by Sirota why he decided to work for Romanoff, Trippi framed his decision as being more about Bennet's shortcomings than Romanoff's appeal:

"I think we've gotta have some real change in Washington and I think the biggest one is just to get... take on... you know, get rid of all the money that's awash in the place, and, you know, I've been watching and the second Bennet walked in the door, he just started drinking buckets of the stuff. That's not gonna change a damn thing"

Bennet, appearing later on the show was asked to respond to Trippi's comments.

"Anyone who looks at my voting record, I think, would not reach that conclusion... I think this is a manufactured issue and, by the way, this is not... this is not what people are talking about. People are losing their jobs and losing their houses, worrying about how they're gonna pay for their kids' college educations. They're not talking about what Joe Trippi's talking about. And I don't think Joe Trippi's spent much time in this state, so I'm not surprised."

Bennet dismissed a challenge from Romanoff to stop taking corporate and PAC donations during Tuesday's debate, but declined to attack Romanoff personally. He later told the Colorado Independent "I think it would be exceptionally difficult for any state-wide candidate to win a race, that is a targeted race, without raising the money that is needed to hold a seat like this."

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